Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk makes pastoral visit to Whippany

by Michael Koziupa

WHIPPANY, N.J. - St. John's Ukrainian Catholic Church hosted a pastoral visit by the Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk on Sunday, May 3.

On this gray, drizzly, foggy morning Metropolitan Sulyk made the long 80-mile drive from Philadelphia to arrive at the parish house before 7 a.m. At 8:15 a.m. members of the Plast and SUM-A youth organizations along with many members of the parish sang and walked in procession from the parish house to the front entrance of the church.

Peter Brocky and Eugenia Kozak welcomed the hierarch with the traditional Ukrainian greeting of bread and salt. Mr. Brocky, a tireless worker in the parish, greeted Metropolitan Sulyk, thanking him for his visit and noting that the visit honors the parish, as well as encourages parishioners to become more active for the good of the parish.

As everyone entered the church and took their places, Metropolitan Sulyk, with the help of the pastor, the Rev. Yurij Markewych, and two older altar boys, Andrew Yadzyn and Danylo Koziupa, offered the divine liturgy. The metropolitan's sermon was germane to the day. Referring to the overflow of parishioners in the small church, he encouraged the parishioners to support the pastor in his efforts to build a new and larger church.

Metropolitan Sulyk said he was aware of the influx of younger families into the Morris County area. He stressed that the church should encourage all believers to unite and use the church as a religious and community center drawing youth and community organizations together in one place.

The Ukrainian population in the area is growing. Within a few miles of the church, the Ukrainian National Association has purchased a new building which houses their corporate headquarters and their newspapers, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. The Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union is opening a new branch in this building. A branch of the Self Reliance (N.J.) Federal Credit Union also is located in the area.

The liturgy ended with everyone singing "Mnohaya Lita" for Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Myroslav Lubachivsky, Metropolitan Sulyk, the Rev. Markewych, as well as all the parishioners.

Afterwards the metropolitan went to the parish hall, where Mrs. Kozak and Katherina Bilanych presented a $500 check for the seminary.

At 11 a.m. a second divine liturgy was offered. This was a special liturgy because nine children received their First Holy Communion. Metropolitan Sulyk addressed a special sermon to the children. He concluded with glowing words of praise for the pastor, Father Yurij, for his spiritual and pastoral leadership. The bishop said he could see the parish was growing and living as one family blessed by God.

This was evident by the many accomplishments in the short two years the Rev. Markewych has been pastor: parish income has increased tenfold; the pews are full on Sundays and holy days; there is an active and successful group of parishioners that make and sell pyrohy, holubtsi and baked goods. There is also an active Ways and Means Committee that includes many younger parishioners.

The metropolitan also went to the parish hall after the second liturgy. There he met with and blessed the parishioners. Everyone left that gray morning feeling like the sun was shining on "God's little acre" - St. John's Church in Whippany.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 31, 1998, No. 22, Vol. LXVI

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