Changes at UCCA include new director and establishment of new branch

NEW YORK - A community meeting on Saturday, May 2, of Ukrainian Americans in San Diego, held at the House of Ukraine, resulted in the formation of a new branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. The San Diego branch is the UCCA's 76th.

Following a presentation by the president of the UCCA's National Executive Board, Askold S. Lozynskyj, who detailed the activities of the UCCA and highlighted the importance of community networking, the attendees decided to formally organize a UCCA branch.

A local executive board was elected consisting of: Theresa Waldman, president; Nadia Cham, Ukrainian secretary; Helen Panchuck, English secretary; Bill Loznycky, treasurer; and Wolodymyr Baczynsky, Debora Drake, Maria Smetana, Borys Cham, Halyna Kytasty, board members.

At the UCCA office in New York, a new director was appointed recently. Tamara Gallo was the director of a three-month UCCA project in Ukriane, funded by the Eurasia Foundation, to encourage young people to vote in the March 29 elections to Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada.

Ms. Gallo was also the director for many years of the UCCA's public affairs office in Washington, the Ukrainian National Information Service, which is now headed by Michael Sawkiw.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 31, 1998, No. 22, Vol. LXVI

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