Greetings from President Bill Clinton

Greetings to everyone gathered in Toronto, Canada, for the 34th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association.

People from every region of the world have made profound and lasting contributions to our society. The abundant gifts of the Ukrainian people and culture have helped make America strong, and each of you can take pride in your efforts to maintain and advance this important legacy. I commend you for working to ensure that our great country continues to live up to the ideals of liberty and a quality on which it was founded. Together, we can create a more peaceful, prosperous world for all of our people.

Best wishes for a wonderful event,

Bill Clinton
President of the United States of America

Greetings from Prime Minister Jean Chrétien

I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to everyone participating in the 34th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association being held in Toronto.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have traveled to Canada to take part in this event. One of the strengths of the Canadian social fabric is the degree to which the many groups which make up our cultural diversity maintain their individual characteristics, while at the same time contributing to a strong and harmonious Canada. Our country has grown and prospered largely due to the fact that it has made welcome men and women from all parts of the world. They have joined together in a common cause - to make Canada their home - and it is their skills, hard work and vitality which have created a flourishing and vibrant country.

Canadians of Ukrainian origin have contributed to this prosperity, and you can be proud of the role you have played in Canada's history. I congratulate you on your many cultural contributions to our Canadian heritage. May you have every success in meeting the challenges of the future.

Jean Chrétien
Prime Minister of Canada

List of greetings addressed to the 34th Convention of the UNA

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 7, 1998, No. 23, Vol. LXVI

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