Basilian Center breaks ground

FOX CHASE MANOR, Pa. - State Representative Ellen Bard and Abington Township Commissioner Michael O'Connor were among the honored guests on May 10, when the Sisters of St. Basil the Great held groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Holy Trinity Chapel and Basilian Spirituality Center, to be constructed on the grounds of the Motherhouse at Fox Chase Manor.

The groundbreaking ceremony coincided with the Sisters' Pilgrimage to the Mother of God, an annual Mothers' Day event.

Following the morning's pontifical divine liturgy, Archbishop Stephen Sulyk, metropolitan of Ukrainian Catholics in the United States, officiated at the groundbreaking, assisted by Bishops Basil Losten, Robert Moskal and Walter Paska, Msgr. George Appleyard, and the Revs. Christopher Woytyna, Basil Savinsky and Peter Waslo.

It has been over a year since the Sisters launched their capital campaign to raise the funds for the project.

"We're thrilled to see work beginning on the center," said Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski OSBM, provincial superior. "The Chapel and Spirituality Center will serve as a place where the faithful can come to deepen their relationship with God and explore and expand their spirituality."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 14, 1998, No. 24, Vol. LXVI

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