Plast hosts 285 youths at six camps

EAST CHATHAM, N.Y. - Camps of the Plast Ukrainian Youth Organization are currently taking place at several venues throughout the United States and Canada. One of the largest sites, the "Vovcha Tropa" (Wolf's Path) campsite here in upstate New York is hosting six camps - and a total of 285 youths between the ages of 7 and 17 - during the month of July.

Four educational/recreational youth camps are taking place at the 365-acre site nestled between the Catskill and Berkshire mountains.

The largest camp during the summer of 1998, in terms of the number of participants and staff, is the one for girls age 7-11 (novachky). Called "Treasures of the Centuries" (Skarby Stolit), it comprises a camp command and staff of 15 and 71 campers. The camp director is Olia Redka Stasiuk.

The camp for boys (novaky) is named "Wonders of the Sea" (Morski Dyva). A staff of 12, led by Nadia Redka Haywas, directs the program for 58 campers.

"Protectors of Fire" (Berehyni Vohniu) is the name of the camp for older girls age 11 and up (yunachky). It has 11 members in its camp command, led by Nusia Horchakiwsky, and 68 participants.

The camp for older boys (yunaky), "Black Gates," has a staff of seven and 39 campers. The camp director is Vasyl Liteplo.

In addition, there are two one-week tours of a camp for 7-year-old first-time campers, whose directors are Petrusia Paslawsky and Marta Torielli, and a specialized two-week co-ed camp for older youths who have completed at least their freshman year in high school. Directed by Christine Stawnychy, the program for older youths encompasses more specialized activities such as canoeing and hiking.

Campers at "Vovcha Tropa" will celebrate their annual "Den Plastuna" (Day of the Plast Member) with special programs, including performances by the individual camps and bonfires, during the weekend of July 18-19.

The first camps were held at "Vovcha Tropa" in 1953. That first year a total of 580 campers participated in Plast activities at their new camp, located 30 miles southeast of Albany, N.Y., and close to the train station in Chatham, N.Y. Since then, thousands more have enjoyed the camp's fields and woodlands. The campsite also hosted international Plast jamborees in 1962, 1972, 1982 and 1992.

"Vovcha Tropa" marked its 40th anniversary in 1994 by honoring its founding fathers during special ceremonies held at the campsite and during an anniversary banquet held in the fall. The anniversary was an occasion also for the camp to embark on a major fund-raising drive aimed at renovating and improving the camp for current and future generations of Plast members.

The camp is directed by an executive board of volunteers, composed of both Plast members and supporters of the organization; the executive board is headed by George Huk.

For information about the camp contact: Ukrainian Plast Camp, Sayre Hill Road, East Chatham, NY 12060; (518) 392-5801; or check the website at

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 19, 1998, No. 29, Vol. LXVI

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