"Team Canada" trade mission heads for Ukraine in January

by Andrij Kudla Wynnyckyj
Toronto Press Bureau

TORONTO - Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien announced on July 8 in Ottawa that the first "Team Canada" trade mission to Europe will take place on January 16 to 27, 1999, with Ukraine, Poland and Russia as its focus.

"By visiting Russia, Poland and Ukraine we are making sure that Canadian businesses can explore the opportunities offered by these growing economies," Mr. Chrétien said, adding that "the fact that thousands of Canadians have roots in the region offer natural advantages to expand trade and investment."

According to the Prime Minister's Office, the delegation, to consist of Mr. Chrétien, provincial premiers and business leaders, will take part in discussions with local politicians and entrepreneurs. The program of business seminars and meetings is intended to expand knowledge of markets in the target countries and encourage links with local firms.

"Two-way merchandise trade between Canada and these three countries totaled nearly $1.4 billion in 1997, and the potential for more business is considerable as they continue their evolution into modern market economies," noted a press release from the PM's office.

Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow, a Ukrainian Canadian, is likely to participate, as Team Canada announcements have rarely been made without prior agreement that all 12 provincial and territorial leaders and are willing to go. An official at Mr. Romanow's office said an official announcement is likely to be issued in the coming weeks.

On the website of a government-assisted agency known as STEP (Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership), Ukraine is prominently displayed on a map of the world, with ongoing partnerships in the areas of energy, agricultural services, technologies and equipment. (The site address is http://www.sasktrade.sk.ca).

Two trade missions have already travelled to Ukraine this summer on trips that have included Poland, Iran and Turkey, and the Team Canada mission is already firmly ensconced on its calendar of events.

The executive director of the Saskatchewan Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Ostap Skrypnyk, told The Weekly on July 29 that, "because of its long association with creation of commercial ties with Ukraine, the UCC Saskatchewan Provincial Council will explore every possibility of joining the team."

According to an official from the special task force established to administer the mission, participation in the Team Canada delegation is by invitation only, and these invitations will be mailed by September 14, with applications and fees to be submitted by December 15.

There have been four previous Team Canada trade missions: the first traveled to China in 1994; the second to India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia in 1996; the third to South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand in 1997; and this year to Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico.

For additional information, contact the Team Canada Task Force, Lester B. Pearson Building, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G2; telephone (613) 995-2194.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 2, 1998, No. 31, Vol. LXVI

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