Gore's opening remarks at Binational Commission

Following is the text of Vice-President Al Gore's opening statement at the U.S.-Ukraine Binational Commission plenary session on July 22 in Kyiv.

Thank you very much, Mr. President. I am delighted to be here in Kyiv for the second meeting of U.S.-Ukraine Binational Commission. Almost two years ago, when we first announced our plans to establish this commission, we characterized the relationship between the United States and Ukraine as a strategic partnership. I'm happy to say that partnership is alive and well.

Last year, Mr. President, you and I met three times. Each time we have had intensive discussions, discussions that allowed us a chance to learn about each other and to push each of our governments to favor stronger collaboration between our countries. We have also worked together to address some of Ukraine's most urgent needs: We focused on raising funds for the reconstruction of the shelter at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, we identified steps that could reduce the danger of organized crime, and we expressed our support for improvements in Ukrainian agriculture.

This year we meet against the backdrop of a global financial crisis that is challenging countries on all sides of the globe. At this time, no country can pretend that it lives apart from its neighbors. We are all part of a single global marketplace. I look forward to talking with you in depth about how this crisis is affecting Ukraine and what Ukraine and the United States can do to respond.

This year we are also meeting in a world more concerned than ever by the spread of weapons of mass destruction. This is an arena where you and Ukraine have exercised true global leadership. By removing Ukraine from the list of nuclear armed countries and by stopping the flow of technologies that can be used by those who wish to develop weapon systems, you have shown true leadership.

The members of our commission have been hard at work. I look forward to discussing their work with them this afternoon and so, with your permission, members, and Mr. President, I would propose getting down to work with the beginning of the first session of our commission.

Vice-President Gore speaks on Chornobyl

Kuchma's opening remarks at Binational Commission

Gore's opening remarks at Binational Commission

Joint Statement of U.S. and Ukraine

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 2, 1998, No. 31, Vol. LXVI

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