At Soyuzivka: August 14-16

KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Lyric soprano Liuba Shchibchik of Kyiv headlines the Saturday evening concert program at Soyuzivka on August 15. Ms. Shchibchik previously performed at Soyuzivka during this year's Fathers' Day concert sponsored by the Ukrainian National Association.

The Ukrainian-born singer made her American opera debut with the New Rochelle Opera in May. She is a graduate of the Lviv Conservatory of Music in both vocal performance and the domra, a Ukrainian stringed instrument similar to the mandolin. She has won awards for her piano performances of contemporary music. In addition to operatic works she performs Ukrainian art and folk songs, and contemporary works by Gershwin, Kern and other internationally renowned composers.

In Ukraine she was affiliated with the Opera Studio, the Trembita choir, the National Children's Opera Theater and the National Woodwind Ensemble. In 1996 she received the national Hulak-Artemovsky Award for her contributions to the community as well as her musical accomplishments.

In addition to her performing roles, Ms. Shchibchik is a vocal therapist with the otolaryngology department at the National Research Institute in Kyiv and has published several studies in medical journals.

The highlight of the August 15 program at Soyuzivka is the annual ceremony during which a Miss Soyuzivka is crowned for the coming year. The name of Miss Soyuzivka 1999 will be announced just before midnight (11:45 p.m., according to the Soyuzivka program) during the dance that evening to the music of the Zolota Bulava band.

Miss Soyuzivka hopefuls may register to compete for the title by contacting Sonia Semanyshyn at the resort's office in the Main House (until 10 p.m.) or Stefanie Hawryluk at the Soyuzivka gift shop.

The weekend gets off to an early and rambunctious start on Friday evening, August 14, with a performance by Midnight Bigus beginning at 11 p.m. in the Trembita Lounge.

It winds down on Sunday, August 16, with the annual Soyuzianka Day, organized by the Ukrainian National Women's League of America.

For information about Soyuzivka accommodations, entertainment programs, art exhibits and other special features, call (914) 626-5641.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 9, 1998, No. 32, Vol. LXVI

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