Soccer Club Ukraine of Edmonton finishes indoor season in second place

by Volodymyr Boychuk

EDMONTON - During the 1997-1998 indoor season, Edmonton's Soccer Club Ukraine participated in the Ninth Division Championship of the Edmonton Indoor Soccer League.

Competing against eight other teams, SC Ukraine won 14 games, tied one and lost one game, scoring 116 goals and having 19 goals against. Having 43 points at the end of the championship, the team tied for the first place with the Turkish team Anatolia and finished second due only to a worse record in the two games played between these teams.

SC Ukraine had excellent chances of winning its second game against Anatolia in a round robin, having a 2-0 lead after the first half. However, in the second half Anatolia increased the tempo of its attack and managed to score two goals to tie the game. At the end of the season, it was this tie that cost the Ukrainian team its first indoor championship title.

Nonetheless, both, SC Ukraine and Anatolia, will advance to the Eighth Division in the next year's indoor season.

The rivalry between the Ukrainian and Turkish teams continued in the competition for the Divisional Cup. Both clubs won their quarterfinal and semifinal games and met again in the Cup final. Players of SC Ukraine were determined to get revenge for their championship loss. They confidently started the game, turning up the pressure of their attacks on Anatolia and scoring twice in the first half. The start of the second half also was very promising, but Ukraine's players failed to score on several excellent opportunities.

The Turkish team organized a storm of attacks in an attempt to save the game. Their perseverance was rewarded. Just as in their previous game, Anatolia forwards managed to score two goals in the second half and tie the final game at 2:2.

As a result of the tie, the cup winner was decided in a series of five post-game penalty shots; SC Ukraine lost 3:4. Numerous fans came to support both teams.

Soccer Club Ukraine acknowledged the financial and moral support provided by such community organizations as the Knights of Columbus, Alberta Ukrainian Commemorative Society, Dnipro Choir as well as the Wheatley Sadownik Law Firm.

In the 1998 outdoor season, the Soccer Club Ukraine will face a new task challenge: competing in the Premier Division of the St. Albert League. However, due to many injuries during the indoor season, several players cannot participate this summer. Therefore, the club is currently looking for experienced soccer players of Ukrainian heritage who would like to join the team. Interested individuals should contact Volodymyr Boychuk, (403) 432-7752.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 16, 1998, No. 33, Vol. LXVI

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