Weekly announces official website

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Ukrainian Weekly Archive has moved to its own official site at as of August 21. The site, which now contains 3,853 articles, is constantly being expanded.

The website is dedicated to archival materials published in the newspaper since its founding in 1933, among them The Ukrainian Weekly's inaugural issue dated October 6, 1933, two issues devoted to the 1960 visit of Nikita Khrushchev to the U.S., and special issues dedicated to the 50th (1983) and the 60th (1993) anniversaries of The Ukrainian Weekly and the centennial of the Ukrainian National Association (1994).

Year-in-review issues of The Weekly from the years 1976-1997 (and the "Decade in Review" published at the end of 1979), and issues reporting on the Chornobyl accident (1986), Ukraine's declaration of sovereignty (1990), its proclamation of independence and national referendum on independence (both 1991) also are found on the archive site.

The site also includes The Weekly's special issue about the Great Famine of 1932-1933, published on the occasion of that genocide's 50th anniversary. Additional information - including scholarly analyses and contemporaneous accounts - about the Great Famine is now being prepared for inclusion on the site; the new section, dedicated to the famine's 65th anniversary, is expected to be unveiled in September.

The archive also contains excerpts of top stories published each week in 1998, and full texts of all issues published in 1996 and 1997. All sections of the site are searchable.

The site's webmaster is Serge Polishchuk, The Ukrainian Weekly's layout artist/graphic designer. The site is prepared by the newspaper's editorial and production staffs.

The Ukrainian Weekly Archive was originally unveiled with 3,300 articles on April 6 of this year at

Previously, excerpts of The Ukrainian Weekly's top stories appeared in the Current Events section on the Tryzub site, which put The Weekly into cyberspace in July 1995.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 23, 1998, No. 34, Vol. LXVI

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