Democratic National Committee honors Ukrainian Americans

WASHINGTON - The Democratic National Committee (DNC) honored Ukrainian Americans on June 10 during Ethnic Day on Capitol Hill. The event was hosted by the DNC's Office of Ethnic Outreach and the National Democratic Ethnic Coordinating Committee.

The event recognized the Ukrainian American community for contributions to the American culture and for commitment to maintaining democracy in America.

Over 200 leaders representing various ethnic communities traveled to Washington from many states, including California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, as well as the District of Columbia.

Several members of the U.S. Congress joined in the celebration of ethnic America. House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (Mo.), one of the guest speakers at the lunch, delivered a speech on Democratic Party values and the significance of ethnic Americans in the political process. Sen. Robert Torricelli (N.J.), Sen. Paul Sarbanes (Md.) and Rep. Elliot Engel (N.Y.) also delivered addresses on the issue of ethnicity. Other guests during the day's program included Craig Smith, assistant to the president, and Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Marcy Kaptur, both of Ohio.

A special reception with Vice-President Al Gore concluded Ethnic Day. The vice-president spoke enthusiastically about the cultural traditions of ethnic Americans and the importance of their contributions to forming American society.

"We were delighted with the attendance from the various ethnic communities and look forward to meeting with them again next year," said DNC National Chair Steve Grossman. "The ethnic communities are an integral part of American society, and we cherish our strong relationship."

General Chair Gov. Roy Romer said, "It was a pleasure meeting with the ethnic communities. They are the backbone of the nation and the bedrock of our Democratic Party."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 23, 1998, No. 34, Vol. LXVI

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