Development of Ukrainian navy hindered by shortage of funds

by Stefan Korshak
RFE/RL Newsline

On August 1, the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which lays claim to the tradition of the tsarist fleet founded 302 years ago, celebrated Russian Navy Day. With overflights by helicopters and strike aircraft, a massive procession of cruisers and frigates thundered out salutes for guests assembled in Sevastopol, before heading out to sea for high-speed maneuvers.

The same day, Ukraine's fledgling navy celebrated its second birthday. Undoubtedly, a naval tradition takes time to develop. "But without any question, our main problem is shortage of funding," Nikolai Savchenko, Ukraine Black Sea Naval Forces spokesman, told RFE/RL. "The government simply does not have the resources to support even a minimum of operations."

Which was why on Ukrainian Navy Day none of Ukraine's 44 major combat vessels budged from their berths. Its 10,000 uniformed personnel and 10,000 civilians mostly in shore-side installations were paid in July on time, but June paychecks remain outstanding. Aside from NATO-funded maneuvers, most Ukrainian vessels have not moved from dock this year.

"Jane's Navy International" notes that only a part of the Ukrainian Navy - 44 fighting ships, 80 auxiliary vessels, and 60 helicopters and airplanes - is battle-ready. But it also notes that even this is aimed more at showing the flag than serving military purposes.

The Ukrainian naval command deploys maritime aviation, coastal rocket and artillery troops, marines, special assault units and logistic support troops. Most are at cadre strength, with little more than personnel and rusting equipment to contribute to national maritime combat-readiness.

Five hundred small vessels survive on the "patronage" of chronically cash-strapped riverside and seaside municipalities. Only two Ukrainian ships, the Slavutych and the escort ship Hetman Sahaidachny, have regularly sailed the Black Sea this year. Although listed as combat-ready, both are configured and crewed not to defend Ukraine's shores but to show its blue-and-yellow banner abroad, especially when Ukrainian participation is required in NATO's Partnership for Peace exercises.

Rear Admiral Mykhailo Yezhel, Ukrainian deputy defense minister and navy commander, listed the single firing of a cruise missile and the graduation of the country's first batch of naval cadets as Ukraine's biggest naval achievements this year. "We are establishing a strong foundation," he said. "We are making our first steps. ... Our mission is control of our national shores and waters in economic terms." He went on to explain that in practical terms, that means "stopping smuggling ... and illegal immigration. ... We are neither prepared nor preparing for war."

Corvettes and smaller vessels predominate. By 2005, the largest vessel in the fleet will be an anti-submarine frigate. Kyiv also plans deployment of some form of coastal submarine.

For that to happen the Russian Parliament has to approve a recent Ukraine-Russia treaty finalizing the division of the Black Sea Fleet. Signed with great fanfare over a year ago, the agreement has since moldered.

"One cannot say that the Russian side has been in a hurry to implement the agreement," Mr. Savchenko said. "It seems that the policy has been to let the status quo dictate events." That has meant all the most powerful vessels, like guided missile cruisers and attack submarines, remain in Russian possession.

In a recently published book, "Anatomy of an Undeclared War," Mr. Savchenko argues that Russian Black Sea Fleet officers worked closely with Crimean nationalists and separatists over the last five years to return the strategic Crimean peninsula to Russian control and, at a minimum, keep the Black Sea Fleet and Sevastopol Russian.

Last year the Kyiv government replaced separatist local Crimean officials with men supportive of Ukrainian control of the region. But until the status of Sevastopol is settled and the rent money from the Russian fleet begins entering Ukrainian state coffers, the Ukrainian navy appears likely to stay as it is: small and modest.

"The government is in great part depending on rent money from Sevastopol to resolve financing for the Ukrainian fleet," Mr. Savchenko said. "And as long as the agreement hangs in the air, our navy will have very little money with which to operate."

Stefan Korshak, a frequent contributor to RFE/RL, is based in Kyiv.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 6, 1998, No. 36, Vol. LXVI

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