Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases anti-terrorism statement

WASHINGTON - Following the U.S. forces strike on August 20, and confirming its position towards terrorism, declared in its statement of August 12 in connection with the terrorist acts against U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine states the following:

Ukraine resolutely condemns all forms of terrorist acts and, therefore supports both collective and individual efforts by members of the international community aimed at fighting this phenomenon that poses a serious threat to global peace and security and is an appalling violation of the norms of international law. All guilty and involved in these crimes deserve severe punishment.

Ukraine calls for strengthening and improving the international mechanisms to combat terrorism - one of the most dangerous crimes in the world today - and, in turn, is ready to co-operate for the eradication of this shameful phenomenon.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 6, 1998, No. 36, Vol. LXVI

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