President Clinton sends greetings

Following is the text of President Bill Clinton's greetings read by Donald Pressley, director of the Europe and New Independent States Bureau at the U.S. Agency for International Development, during the Capitol Hill reception on September 16 celebrating the anniversary of Ukraine's independence. (Transcribed by Yaro Bihun.)

I am pleased to extend warm greetings to everyone celebrating the seventh anniversary of Ukraine's independence. This anniversary is an occasion for celebration for all peoples who love freedom. It reminds us of Ukraine's steadfast commitment to democracy and to continuing its political, social and economic evolution.

Today is a time of extraordinary opportunity for the nations of the world, as old barriers fall and a new and truly global community emerges. The people of Ukraine, with their rich heritage and reverence for freedom have much to offer this global community.

As the Ukrainian people celebrate this milestone and renew their dedication to overcoming the global challenges that are shaping our world, I commend them for working to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for us all.

Best wishes for a memorable observance.

Bill Clinton

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 27, 1998, No. 39, Vol. LXVI

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