
Following are excerpts from UNA President Nicholas Murashko's statement published in the premiere issue of The Ukrainian Weekly on October 6, 1933.

For the past 39 years Ukrainian immigrants in America have been building up the Ukrainian National Association, together with its organ, Svoboda - the first newspaper edited in the Ukrainian language in America.

From a humble beginning, the Ukrainian National Association has grown during these years into a nationwide $3 million fraternal organization, with 35,000 members; and the Svoboda from a weekly issue to the largest Ukrainian daily in America.

Coincident with this growth of the Ukrainian National Association and its Svoboda, has been the growth of the younger generation of American Ukrainians. ... The time has come when this youth must begin to take over the reins of the association from its builders.

... the Ukrainian National Association, with the cooperation and help of its Junior Department, is sponsoring The Ukrainian Weekly, edited in the English language. This paper shall serve as a medium through which the American Ukrainian youth can build up not only the Ukrainian National Association, but also institutions of commercial, industrial and cultural nature.

I am sincerely convinced that with the highest cooperation and interest of the young American Ukrainians, The Ukrainian Weekly shall grow and flourish. I, as the president of the Ukrainian National Association, wish the paper the best of success.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 4, 1998, No. 40, Vol. LXVI

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