"The Founding of Kyiv" issue is 1998 winner of Narbut Prize

Last year Ukraine Post decided to create a bold stamp design for its first ever Europa entry; the effort proved worthwhile as the release recently won the 1998 Heorhiy Narbut Prize for the best Ukrainian philatelic design of 1997. Europa issues are special annual releases of one or a few stamps produced by most

European countries on a specific topic. Last year's theme was "History and Legends" and Ukraine's entry, in the form of a two-stamp souvenir sheet, depicted "The Founding of Kyiv" by the siblings Kyi, Schek, Khoryv and Lybid as related in the chronicle "Povist Vremennykh Lit" (Tale of Bygone Years).

Europa issues as a souvenir sheet are a bit unusual, but Ukraine Post went a step further and reproduced the entire founding legend in microprint as a design feature along the sheet border. The inspired portrayal by winning artists V. Taran and O. Haruk also depicts scenes from the Povist chronicle along the top and bottom, and intricate design motifs along the sides.

This year's voting was widely scattered among the many fine entries available on the ballot. Nevertheless, the Europa souvenir sheet emerged as the clear favorite with 23 percent of the vote; it was followed by another gorgeous souvenir sheet featuring Ukrainian folk art, which garnered 16 percent. The chances of this latter design doing better in the voting were hurt by its late-year release. Many who voted early in 1998 had not yet seen or acquired this colorful item and cast their ballot on the basis of a black-and-white illustration, which did not do it justice.

Other designs that received recognition in the double figures included "Famous Ukrainian Women" (St. Olha, Roksolana) with 12 percent and "Hetmans of Ukraine" (Baida, Orlyk) with 11 percent.

Dr. Ingert Kuzych, the prize initiator and donator of the monetary gift that accompanies the award, has expressed his appreciation for the continued strong participation in Narbut Prize balloting. He stated that the high proportion of designs receiving nominations - in all 18 of the 22 different philatelic releases on the ballot received some votes - reflects well on the effort Ukraine Post has made to issue attractive and collectible stamps.

Dr. Kuzych has urged officials at Ukraine Post to enter the Europa souvenir sheet in a new contest sponsored by the German philatelic magazine Deutsche Briefmarken-Revue, which will select "the best of the best" of all European stamps entered as the most beautiful by their respective countries.

Below are the Narbut Prize winners since the award was initiated in 1993:

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 11, 1998, No. 41, Vol. LXVI

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