Cleveland's United Ukrainian Organizations honor Congressmen Kucinich and LaTourette

CLEVELAND - The United Ukrainian Organizations of Greater Cleveland held a reception on October 23 to celebrate its 70th anniversary. The UUOGC is the umbrella organization that has coordinated the activities of Cleveland-area Ukrainian organizations since 1928 and has been the face that Ohio public officials see on virtually all Ukrainian issues.

Special guests at the anniversary reception, held at the Ukrainian Museum-Archives (UMA) in Cleveland's historic Tremont neighborhood, were Cleveland-area Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Steven C. LaTourette. Wasyl Liscynesky, president of the UUOGC, and Andrew Fedynsky, director of the UMA, thanked the two representatives for their efforts on behalf of Ukraine. Messrs. Liscynesky and Fedynsky pointed out that both congressmen have been consistent supporters of U.S. assistance to Ukraine and both co-sponsored the House-Senate concurrent resolution commemorating the Famine of 1932-1933.

The two congressmen also worked together to introduce H.R. 4083, a bill that will provide Cleveland's Ukrainian Museum-Archives and Indiana University's Slavic Collection with videotape copies of the U.S. Information Agency's weekly television program, "Window on America."

To recognize the work of the two congressional representatives, Mr. Liscynesky presented them with appropriate plaques from the UUOGC featuring a pysanka.

During the reception, guests viewed special exhibit highlighting the United Ukrainian Organization's activities over the past 70 years.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 1, 1998, No. 44, Vol. LXVI

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