UCC inaugurates youth awards

by Andrij Kudla Wynnyckyj
Toronto Press Bureau

WINNIPEG - At its 19th triennial congress, which featured a record 31 delegates under age 25, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress inaugurated its Ukrainian Canadian Youth Leadership Award of Excellence and celebrated its honorees at a special banquet in the Lombard Hotel's Constitution Ballroom.

Pursuant to a resolution of the 18th UCC congress to recognize the contribution of youth to the Ukrainian Canadian community and Canadian society as a whole, 13 Ukrainian Canadians between the ages of 16 and 25 from across the country were nominated for the prize, and three recipients were chosen for the first round of awards.

The winners were Stefan Holowka of Montréal, Orest Pilipowicz of Winnipeg and Rosemarie Skavinski, also of Winnipeg.

According to the banquet program, which spelled out the criteria for their selection, "each of the award recipients is a member of a Ukrainian Canadian organization where he/she has shown consistent positive involvement for a minimum of three years, and has demonstrated excellent leadership in the areas of communication skills, showing initiative, consensus building and team work, and raising the positive profile of Ukrainians in the community."

Maria Stebelska, president of the Ukrainian Social Services of Canada, and Oleh Romaniw, outgoing UCC president, made the presentations at the October 10 banquet.

Mr. Pilipowicz, 24, is enrolled in a master's program in human anatomy at the University of Manitoba faculty of medicine and is doing research on muscular dystrophy. He was nominated by the UCC's Manitoba Provincial Council. He is president of the Manitoba chapter of the Ukrainian Catholic Youth Organization, a member of the Plast Ukrainian Youth Association and of the board of directors of the Ukrainian National Federation of Dance, as well as a dancer with the Rusalka Dance Ensemble. Mr. Pilipowicz established the local UCYO's newsletter, reopened a branch of the Ukrainian National Youth Federation of Canada in Winnipeg, and in 1996 travelled to Kyiv for the International Conference of Youth in Ukraine.

Ms. Skavinski, 24, is studying theology at the University of Manitoba and was nominated by the national Ukrainian Orthodox Youth Association (SUMK). Ms. Skavinski, the president of SUMK's Manitoba Regional Executive and editor of its newsletter, Tryzub, was honored for serving as the organization's representative on the UCC national board of directors (formerly the presidium) since 1993 (she also served on the community development, constitution and planning committees that prepared for the 19th triennial congress); for service as coordinator of the St. Andrew's College (at the University of Manitoba) student exchange program and as editor of the college's newsletter; and for participation in the planning of 50th anniversary celebrations of the Winnipeg-based Koshetz Choir.

Mr. Holowka, 22, is currently studying engineering at Concordia University and was nominated by the Québec provincial branch of the Ukrainian Youth Association (SUM). Mr. Holowka, a member of the SUM national organizing committee and SUM's youth director in his home province, a member of the Trembita Brass Band, the Zolota Bulava dance band and a dancer with the Marunczak Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, attended SUM's World Leadership Conference as a delegate, and assisted in organizing of a Ukrainian week at his campus.

Mr. Pilipowicz said that the UCC itself is to be congratulated for having established a youth prize. "It's awards like this that ensure the UCC's diversity and ensure its future," the honoree said.

Ms. Skavinski reflected that "times have changed, and while some are content with Ukrainian dancing and choirs, there are few individuals willing to tackle the organizational aspect of community life." The award winner said the UCC should continue to play a mentoring role for youth.

Mr. Holowka's sister, who accepted the award on her brother's behalf, said he could not attend the congress because his dance band was playing at Soyuzivka.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 15, 1998, No. 46, Vol. LXVI

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