Ukraine's defense minister in D.C. for 'meetings of friends'

by Yaro Bihun
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

WASHINGTON - Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksander Kuzmuk visited the United States on November 15-20, meeting with Defense Secretary William Cohen and U.S. commanders at the Pentagon and a number of military installations.

During the "meeting of friends," as Col.-Gen. Kuzmuk described his November 17 talks with Secretary Cohen, the two signed an agreement laying out U.S.-Ukrainian military contacts for the coming year, which includes joint exercises, visit exchanges and other activities of interest to both countries.

"There are a couple of issues that remain first and foremost on our binational agenda," Pentagon Spokesman Kenneth Bacon said following the meeting. They include helping Ukraine reform its military, especially the non-commissioned officer corps, continuing multinational military exercises as part of NATO's Partnership for Peace program, supporting Ukraine's continued participation in international peacekeeping efforts, and disarmament, he said.

Some of these objectives were pursued during Minister Kuzmuk's visits to Fort Bragg, N.C., Fort Knox in Kentucky, the headquarters of the U.S. Army's Southern Command and Coast Guard Command in Miami, and a naval base on Key West, Fla.

The Washington portion of Gen. Kuzmuk's visit, in addition to some five hours of discussion at the Pentagon as well as dinner with Secretary Cohen, also included a meeting with Deputy Secretary of State for Arms Control John Holum and with senior officials at the White House National Security Council.

The visiting dignitary began the day by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. Later, he laid a wreath at the Taras Shevchenko Monument in downtown Washington, where he lingered to exchange views and answer questions put to him by a gathering of Ukrainian Americans who came to witness the ceremony.

Asked about the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO, he said it is too early and that Ukraine is not ready for such a step. It will continue in its role under the special charter with NATO and within the Partnership for Peace Program, he said.

He expressed his satisfaction at the progress achieved in the formation of the joint Polish-Ukrainian peacekeeping battalion, which is commanded on a rotational basis by Ukrainian and Polish officers.

Future plans for the Ukrainian armed forces, he said, envision changing from the present draft system to career professional armed forces.

Minister Kuzmuk also expressed his concern and regret that the Russian Duma has failed to ratify a number of important bilateral and international pacts that would serve the security interests of Russia, Ukraine and the international community.

This was Gen. Kuzmuk's second visit to the United States as defense minister. His first visit was in April-May 1997.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 29, 1998, No. 48, Vol. LXVI

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