Survey on culture and the arts

Among significant cultural developments, the outstanding event of 1998 was the rebuilding in Kyiv of two of Ukraine's historic religious landmarks - the 12th century St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral and the 11th century Uspenskyi (Dormition) Cathedral. (See "Kyiv reconstructs ancient treasures.")

These are perhaps the most visible manifestations of the numerous initiatives taking place throughout Ukraine: to rebuild or restore churches and monuments destroyed by the Soviet regime, or to build new ones that aim to recover repressed or forgotten moments of Ukrainian culture and history.

Worthy of mention are:

Another important development was the beginning of construction of the long-awaited church and monastery complex of St. Vasylii - the first major church for Ukraine's Greek-Catholics in Kyiv. The modernistic project, overseen by the Order of St. Basil the Great in Lviv, was designed by Ukrainian architect Larysa Skoryk.

On a totally different note, the December issue of Architectural Digest carried a story on the renovation of the Soviet-era "dacha" built outside Kyiv for the former head of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Volodymyr Shcherbytsky. The lavish project was undertaken by a Ukrainian-born American businessman who emigrated with his parents after the war, and after Ukraine's independence, began to do business with his homeland.

Music: anniversary celebrations

Among highlights of the musical season were the 60th anniversary celebrations of two prominent composers - Virko Baley, founder, and for many years conductor and music director, of the Nevada Symphony Orchestra and guest conductor in Ukraine, and Myroslav Skoryk, longtime professor of composition at the Lviv and Kyiv conservatories and head of the Lviv branch of the Union of Ukrainian Composers.

The yearlong international salute on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Maestro Baley began in February with Mr. Baley leading the Cleveland Chamber Symphony in his Symphony No. 1, and continued in New York's Merkin Hall when the new music ensemble Continuum performed a selection from his 40 years of composing. The concert premiered his new operatic work "Klytemnestra," after Ukrainian poet Oksana Zabuzhko's poem of the same name.

A series of anniversary concerts for Maestro Skoryk were performed in Australia, the U.S., Germany and Ukraine. The world premiere of the composer's latest work, Piano Concerto No. 3, was performed by the Leontovych String Quartet, and the composer, on July 12 at Music Mountain in Connecticut, where it received an enthusiastic reception. The anniversary concert for Maestro Skoryk opened the summer concert series held at the Grazhda in Jewett Center, N.Y., with subsequent concerts held in Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington with the Leontovych String Quartet and pianist Volodymyr Vynnytsky. The final concert, featuring three new works - Partita No. 6 for String Orchestra, Partita No. 7 for Wind Quintet, and Piano Concerto No. 3 for Piano, String Orchestra and Drum - took place on December 12 at the Ukrainian Institute of America in New York with the MATI Chamber Orchestra and Maestro Baley, conducting.

During his stay in Ukraine, Maestro Skoryk was presented an award by President Leonid Kuchma and was named "Man of the Year" of his native city of Lviv for promoting Ukrainian music abroad. Concerts of Maestro Skoryk's music were held at the opera houses in Kyiv and Lviv, and a five-day all-Skoryk music festival opened at the Lviv Opera on November 3 and continued at various venues throughout the city.

Music: performances

Music: new releases

Art and exhibits

Among a host of interesting events and outstanding exhibits held during the year:

Dance and ballet


Film and film industry


Literary events

Literary scholarship

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 27, 1998, No. 52, Vol. LXVI

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