Receives certificate in international relations

MEDFORD, Mass. - Paul T. Rabchenuk, an attorney and a Boston-area Ukrainian activist was honored at a reception held at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in September 1998.

Mr. Rabchenuk was the first recipient of the Fletcher School's first Certificate in International Relations, having completed the new program designed for professionals working within the global marketplace. The Fletcher School is recognized as the premier school of international affairs in the country.

The certificate was presented by Gen. John R. Galvin, a retired NATO commander, who is now the school's dean. He was accompanied by Ilga Paddock, the program director, who stated that, "The program is aimed at professionals like Paul Rabchenuk and based on the premise that there is no such thing any more as a completely local enterprise."

Mr. Rabchenuk, whose father came from the Novhorod-Volynsky area of Ukraine, also holds a master's degree in public affairs from the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, and a law degree from the New England School of Law. He has taught public management courses up to the graduate level at several local universities.

He has held several positions in public administration, including those of town manager in Saugus and North Reading, Mass., and directed urban development programs in Haverhill, Mass., and Nashua, N.H.

For the past six years he has presented proclamations from the Massachusetts Governors office recognizing Ukrainian independence at every Boston-area celebration and was instrumental in arranging Ukrainian Independence Day photo opportunities with Boston-area Ukrainian leaders and the governor on these occasions.

He is a member of the Ukrainian American Bar Association and an associate member of The Washington Group.

A staunch advocate of American support for Ukraine, Mr. Rabchenuk's letters and commentaries on the International Monetary Fund and foreign aid to Ukraine have appeared in a number of newspapers. In 1997 he authored an article on U.S. support for NATO expansion, which was published in Zycie Poloni under the editorship of the late Dr. Bohdan Struminski.

Mr. Rabchenuk was prompted to enroll in the Fletcher School's program after he observed an increasing international character to his law practice primarily involving Eastern Europe. The innovative program is designed for professionals who, reacting to a rapidly changing global marketplace, want increased expertise in global business, international law and foreign policy.

Promoted to major at ceremony in Seoul

NEWARK, N.J. - Francis L. Holinaty was promoted to major in the U.S. Army during a military ceremony held recently in Seoul, South Korea.

Maj. Holinaty, son of Nikolaus and Marion Holinaty of Lakehurst, N.J. and a recipient of the ROTC scholarship, was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps upon graduation from Rider University in May 1987.

He participated in Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989 and spent a year in the Persian Gulf during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. For his meritorious service in support of military operations against a hostile force he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal.

His next assignment was as a team commander searching for missing Americans from World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars. He led search teams to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea and Japan.

Maj. Holinaty is currently stationed in Seoul, where he lives with his wife and two sons. He is a member of Branch 27 of the Ukrainian National Association.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 3, 1999, No. 1, Vol. LXVII

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