U.N. ambassador's wife hosts reception

NEW YORK - Iryna Yelchenko, wife of Ukraine's ambassador to the United Nations, hosted an elegant Christmas reception for the wives of ambassadors and other international dignitaries at the Ukrainian Institute of America on December 10, 1998. Walter Nazarewicz, the president of the UIA, Halyna Woskobijnyk, whose family's art collection is currently on display at the institute, and Iryna Kurowyckyj, UIA board member, guided guests through the three floors of the Woskob art exhibit, as well the newly renovated interior. The event was festive, with beautiful holiday displays, delicious hors d'oeuvres and a performance by Lavrentia Turkewicz of Ukrainian Christmas carols to the soft notes of her bandura. Mrs. Woskobijnyk also presented Mrs. Yelchenko with three works of art for Ukraine's Mission to the U.N. Seen above (from left) are: Oksana Bojko, second secretary of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the U.N., Mary Pressey, Iryna Kurowyckyj, Mr. Nazarewicz, Mrs. Woskobijnyk, Mrs. Yelchenko, Ms. Turkewicz, Mrs. Nazarewicz and Dr. Marta Kokolskyj.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 10, 1999, No. 2, Vol. LXVII

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