Detroit/Windsor Graduates honor three community activists

by Carolyn Kapustij

WARREN, Mich. - Three exceptional Ukrainian community activists and leaders - Justine Malaniak-Nelligan, Rosalie Waskul Kapustij and Alexander List were honored at the 59th gala anniversary celebration of the Ukrainian Graduates of Detroit and Windsor. This event, held annually to award scholarships as well as to present the Ukrainian of the Year Award, took place on Sunday, November 1, 1998, at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, Mich.

More than 150 people attended to pay tribute to this year's honorees: Mrs. Nelligan, the 1998 Ukrainian of the Year; Dr. Kapustij, honored posthumously as Ukrainian of the Year; and Dr. List, president of the Graduates and recipient of the Distinguished Service Award.

The afternoon began with choral selections performed by members of the Immaculate Conception High School Choir. Master of Ceremonies Dr. Walter Yaworsky then called upon the Very Rev. Richard Hawrish, pastor and founder of St. Paul the Apostle Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Windsor, to deliver the invocation. Dr. Yaworsky continued the program by proclaiming the traditional toasts to the United States, Canada and Ukraine followed by a minute of silence commemorating Graduates' members who passed away during the year.

The guests were then served a delicious lunch and entertained by the delightful music of Olga Solovey, a former Ukrainian of the Year recipient. Commencing the awards presentation, Dr. Myron Kapustij, chairman of the Ukrainian of the Year Committee, called upon Stephen Wichar Sr., a former Ukrainian of the Year honoree, to introduce the 1998 honoree.

"She has served her fellow Ukrainians and Americans well," began Mr. Wichar in his remarks about Mrs. Nelligan, "and deserves the high esteem in which she is held this afternoon." He continued, saying that this honor is a celebration of her life's work, "her volunteerism, humanitarianism, and ability to demonstrate courage." He listed Mrs. Nelligan's many accomplishments: she has been a leader in many organizations and projects, especially Ukrainian National Women's League of America Branch 58. Through Branch 58 she has raised tens of thousands of dollars for Ukrainian orphanages, the Children of Chornobyl Fund, various Ukrainian cultural organizations, and the Veselka project for Ukrainian senior citizens.

Mr. Wichar cited Mrs. Nelligan's participation in the leadership of the Ukrainian Village and the Detroit Riverfront Ethnic Festivals. Mrs. Nelligan has served as vice-president of the Ukrainian Village since its inception and has raised over $40,000 for its building fund. She also was a leader of the Detroit Riverfront Ukrainian Festivals for 20 years. This list of accomplishments, however, is not nearly a complete one. Mr. Wichar stated, "I would be remiss not to mention her work in other sectors." He mentioned her leadership in her parish, St. Scholastica, and her work in Operation Friendship, an organization that helps women who have been in mental health facilities. "I salute her!" concluded Mr. Wichar, and called Mrs. Nelligan to the dais.

A thunderous standing ovation along with the ringing of over 100 small golden bells, symbolic of Mrs. Nelligan's involvement with the Zoloti Dzvony singing group, greeted Mrs. Nelligan as she received her award. "I'm still in shock that I'm Ukrainian of the Year," she said. In a moving speech, Mrs. Nelligan thanked her parents for instilling in her a love for her Ukrainian heritage.

She also thanked family members, 26 of whom were present, and especially her husband, Andrew. Mrs. Nelligan also called upon members of UNWLA Branch 58 and the Ukrainian Village to stand saying, "You are all the wind beneath my wings." The presentation concluded with the reading of an original and delightful poem by Andrew J. Nelligan in honor of the occasion.

The afternoon then took on a more reflective, solemn tone. The next award was presented by John Stoiko and Dr. Jaroslaw Sawka, both past presidents of the Ukrainian Graduates, in honor of Dr. Rosalie Waskul Kapustij. Mr. Stoiko began his tribute by acknowledging that the presentation of a posthumous award creates an unusual situation, however, "Because she was such a dynamic person, Julia (Stoiko) and I felt we could not let the occasion go by without doing something in her memory."

He continued by recounting some of Dr. Kapustij's accomplishments in the Ukrainian community: she was a founding member of the Federation of Business and Professional Organizations of North America, served in UNWLA Branch 50 based in Ann Arbor, Mich., and was elected to the Ukrainian Village board in 1996. As an energetic force in the Ukrainian Graduates, he continued, she served as president in 1976 and again in 1992-1996. Tragically, her life was cut short on January 14, 1998. Mr. Stoiko concluded, "Presentation of this award will allow her deeds and her memory to live in our hearts forever."

Dr. Sawka next spoke, recounting Dr. Kapustij's tenure as president of the graduates. Through anecdotes, he recalled the vitality, enthusiasm and verve she brought to the organization. He conveyed her vision and community awareness which helped the Graduates prosper.

Mr. Stoiko then presented the award to Dr. Kapustij's family; her husband, Myron, and daughters, Carolyn and Cristina. "Her life was the epitome of courage, vision, and deep faith - an example worthy of emulation by all who love their fellowmen," read Mr. Stoiko. "Her service to the Ukrainian American communities was outstanding. Her passing leaves a void in our hearts and organization that will be difficult to fill." Cristina Kapustij represented the family and accepted the award on behalf of her mother.

Miss Kapustij, overcome with emotion, began her remarks saying, "While we are touched that our mom is honored, we are naturally saddened that she is not here to accept it herself, making this one of life's bittersweet moments." She went on to thank the graduates particularly for the friendship they have shown her family.

Nineteen-year-old Miss Kapustij explained that while her mother had many professional and community obligations, she nonetheless always put her family first. A devoted wife and mother, she considered her daughters her most important accomplishment. She pushed them to excel and cared deeply for them.

Miss Kapustij concluded her remarks with a quote from the poet Bailey which reflected upon Dr. Kapustij's life, "We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths... we should count time by hearthrobs." Much emotion met the close of this poignant presentation.

Besides feting the honorees, the Ukrainian Graduates also awarded scholarships to six outstanding undergraduate students of Ukrainian descent from the Detroit and Windsor area. Serafina Marzotto, chairperson of the Scholarship Committee, presented scholarships to Steven Brown, Sebastian Dzwonczyk, Antonina Ermolenko, Roman Halitsky, Yulija Koval, and Stacy Swistak.

A final highlight of the afternoon was the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award to Dr. List. Dr. Yaworsky cited Dr. List's many contributions to the Ukrainian community. Among other accomplishments Dr. List founded St. Volodomyr's Bandurist Youth Ensemble, helped establish Ukrainian Studies at the University of Windsor and translated for the Canadian Consulate. Dr. Yaworsky noted that Dr. List has especially served the Ukrainian Graduates; he has been an active member since 1963. Currently, he is carrying out his fifth term as president and has chaired and participated on various club committees numerous times.

Upon receipt of the award, Dr. List thanked everyone who had served on the scholarship, banquet and Ukrainian of the Year committees with him throughout the years. He expressed his gratitude, acknowledging that he could not have and did not accomplish success alone. He also took the opportunity to thank the current executive board and committees that helped make the afternoon's banquet a success.

The afternoon was brought to a close by the Very Rev. Richard Hawrish with his benediction prayer for peace. Thus, honoring three extraordinary and uniquely talented individuals, the Ukrainian Graduates of Detroit and Windsor celebrated an emotional and memorable anniversary.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 17, 1999, No. 3, Vol. LXVII

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