Branch 481 hosts St. Nicholas

by Angela Honchar
Branch 481 Secretary

CARNEGIE, Pa. - The Ivan Franko Society, Branch 481 of the Ukrainian National Association, sponsored a St. Nicholas Party on Sunday, December 6, 1998.

The children of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church's Sunday School program in Carnegie, Pa., attended the party with their parents and grandparents.

St. Nicholas made a special appearance and gave each child a gift bag and a UNA water bottle.

After the party, the Sunday School children went to Marian Manor, where they gave the patients small gifts and an icon of St. Nicholas.

Branch 481 also sponsored a clothing, shoe and medicine shipment to Donetsk, Ukraine. A total of 385 pounds of supplies was sent to the children in the Artimesk orphanage.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 17, 1999, No. 3, Vol. LXVII

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