Northern New Jersey District Committee hosts "Yalynka" for area children

by Roma Hadzewycz

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Northern New Jersey District Committee of the Ukrainian National Association sponsored its first "Yalynka" (a Christmastime holiday gathering) for area children on Saturday, January 16, here at UNA Corporate Headquarters. The event was deemed a success by organizers and participants alike, and, in all likelihood will now become an annual tradition here in Northern New Jersey as a special treat for children.

Nearly 60 children, students of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic School of Newark, N.J., and the Lesia Ukrainka School of Ukrainian Studies of Morris County, as well as other local youngsters attended the event along with their parents, siblings and grandparents. The program featured caroling by students of St. John's, led by their choir director, Mykhailo Stashchyshyn, refreshments and sweets, and holiday "goody bags" that included UNA T-shirts for all the children in attendance.

The program was opened by Eugene Oscislawski, chairman of the Northern New Jersey District Committee, who welcomed all performers and guests, including Sister Chrysostom, principal of St. John's School, Sister Bernarda and the Rev. Leonid Malkov of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Newark. He then turned the program over to mistress of ceremonies Oksana Trytjak.

Students of St. John's School presented a concert of Christmas carols, some of them performed to the accompaniment of "sopilky," and a brief poetry recitation.

A surprise presentation was prepared by a group of children from the Morris County "Ridna Shkola" under the direction of their singing instuctor, Oksana Telepko. The students, ranging from second- to ninth-graders, sang carols and delivered traditional Christmas and New Year's greetings, or "vinshuvannia."

At the conclusion of the program, Ms. Trytjak asked all children to come up to the microphone and introduce themselves to the audience - a request that all the youngsters very obviously enjoyed to the delight of all the adults present.

Also addressing the audience was UNA President Ulana Diachuk, who thanked the young performers and the organizers of the event, the Northern New Jersey District Committee of the UNA.

The organizing committee for the event was chaired by Ms. Trytjak, while Maria Oscislawski acted as coordinator. Other committee members included: Mr. Oscislawski, Andre Worobec, Daria Semegen, Stephan Welhasch, Maria Haluszczak and Roma Hadzewycz.

Among other guests whose presence at the event was acknowledged were: UNA Advisors Worobec and Oscislawski, and Honorary Member of the General Assembly Walter Sochan.

Young UNA'ers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 31, 1999, No. 5, Vol. LXVII

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