Industrial production down across CIS

Eastern Economist

KYIV - Industrial production shrank in the first nine months of 1998 in five out of 12 CIS countries. For the period of January-October 1998 as compared to the same nine-month period in 1997. Industrial production fell in Russia by 4.6 percent; Ukraine, 0.8 percent; Kazakstan, 1.6 percent; Armenia, 1 percent; and Moldova, 8.1 percent. It grew in Belarus by 9.9 percent; Kyrgyzstan, 8.4 percent; and Tajikistan, 7.1 percent. During this period, the GDP rose in Azerbaijan by 8.6 percent; in Belarus, 8.5 percent; and Armenia, 6.4 percent; but fell in Ukraine by 0.7 percent.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 7, 1999, No. 6, Vol. LXVII

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