University professors elect officers

KENT, Ohio - Voting by mail at the end of January and the beginning of February, members of Ukrainian American Association of University Professors (UAAUP) elected its new executive council.

The members of new council are: president - Assya Humesky, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; first vice-president - Lubomyr Wynar, Kent State University; second vice-president, Vsevolod Isajiw, University of Toronto; third vice-president - Yaroslav Bilinsky, University of Delaware; secretary-treasurer - Myron Melnyk, Kent State University.

Members of the council are: John Fizer, Rutgers University; Vasyl Janishevsky, University of Toronto; Z. Lew Melnyk, University of Cincinnati; Leonid Mostovych, University of Kentucky; Joanna Ratych, Rutgers University; and Martha Trofimenko, University of Delaware.

The auditing board comprises Alexander Sydorenko, Arkansas State University, and Michael Kalinski, Kent State University.

According to the director of the UAAUP's Research Endowment, Prof. Melnyk, the value of investments of the Research Endowment exceeds $100,000.

The UAAUP is a professional organization whose address is: UAAUP, P.O. Box 491, Kent, OH 44240. Its membership is open to all professors at the college or university level.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 14, 1999, No. 7, Vol. LXVII

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