Organizing report for 1998

In 1998 the Ukrainian National Association gained 823 new members insured for a total of $11,822,481. Participants in the year's organizing campaign were 192 branch secretaries and branch organizers. The established quota of 1,250 new members was filled by 66 percent. The most new members were enrolled by one of the UNA's professional insurance salesmen, John Danilack, who signed up 36 new members insured for $676,999.

The top branch organizers for 1998 are three UNA advisors who enrolled 25 or more members:

Other organizers who enrolled more than 10 new members during 1998 are: Joseph Chabon, secretary of Branch 242, 18 members insured for $233,000; UNA Advisor Stephanie Hawryluk, secretary of Branch 88, 17 members insured for $88,000; Michael Turko, secretary of Branch 63, 16 members insured for $102,000; UNA Auditor Stefan Hawrysz, secretary of Branch 83, 15 members insured for $108,000; Lubov Streletsky, secretary of Branch 10, 14 members insured for $92,000; Christine Gerbehy, secretary of Branch 269, 13 members insured for $83,000; Joyce Kotch, secretary of Branch 39, 12 members insured for $119,000; Vira Krywyj, secretary of Branch 174, 12 members insured for $125,000; Lon Staruch, secretary of Branch 371, 12 members insured for $316,000; George Yurkiw, secretary of Branch 130, 11 members insured for $48,000; and Dana Jasinski, secretary of Branch 287, 10 members insured for 42,000.

Secretaries/organizers who enrolled nine new members each are: Dmytro Galonzka, Branch 307; Stefan Kolodrub, Branch 137; Myron Kuzio, Branch 277; and Olga Maruszczak, Branch 82.

Secretaries/organizers who enrolled eight new members each are: Alexandra Dolnycky, Branch 434; Marguerite Hentosh, Branch 305; Pete Kohut, Branch 56; and UNA Advisor Tekla Moroz, Branch 465.

Secretaries/ organizers who enrolled seven new members each are: UNA Advisor Nick Diakiwsky, Branch 161; Eugene Gulych, Branch 12; Miron Pilipiak, Branch 496; Dawn Pryhoda, Branch 200; Paul Shewchuk, Branch 13; Zenobia Zarycky, Branch 327; and UNA Auditor Yaroslav Zaviysky, Branch 155.

Secretaries/ organizers who enrolled six new members each are: Julia Guglik, Branch 259; Leon Hardink, Branch 206; Alexandra Lawrin, Branch 175; and UNA Auditor William Pastuszek, Branch 231.

Secretaries/ organizers who enrolled five new members each are: Genet Boland, Branch 409; Julia Cresina, Branch 382; Joseph Hawryluk, Branch 360; Gloria Horbatyj, Branch 414; Walter Krywulych, Branch 266; Maria Kulczycky, Branch 8; Eli Matiash, Branch 120; Alex Skibickyj, Branch 285; Maria Sweryda, Branch 316; and Helen Tatarsky, Branch 94.

Four members each were enrolled by 10 branch secretaries, three members were enrolled by 20 branch secretaries and 34 branch secretaries and organizers enrolled two members each.

In addition, there were 69 secretaries and organizers who each signed up one member during the 1998.

Taking a look at organizing statistics by district, the Northern New Jersey District Committee took first place for 1998 with 132 new members insured for $1,963,116, surpassing its membership quota and fulfilling it by 120 percent.

Two other districts overfulfilled their annual quotas: Woonsocket and Boston, which fulfilled their membership assignments by 110 percent.

Other districts filled their quotas as follows: Albany, 92 percent; Connecticut, 88.5 percent; New York, 88.2 percent; Shamokin, 78 percent; Detroit, 70 percent; Chicago and Montreal, 67 percent; Pittsburgh, 64 percent; Central New Jersey, 62 percent; Buffalo and Allentown, 60 percent; Syracuse, 57 percent; Wilkes-Barre, 50 percent.

Nine districts met their quotas by less than 50 percent. In all 161 branches were active in the organizing campaign, while 101 were inactive during the 1998 membership drive. We ask secretaries of inactive branches to renew their activity.

We sincerely thank all secretaries and branch organizers for their good efforts during 1998 and we ask them to continue to care about the good of the UNA and the growth of its membership.

- Maria Oscislawski, Organizing Department

Convention delegates' organizing achievements

Summarizing organizing achievements for 1998, we should note the contributions of convention delegates who had pledged at the conclusion of the 34th Regular Convention of the UNA to enroll at least 10 new members each by the end of the year.

However, only 14 delegates fulfilled that pledge.

The top organizers were two UNA advisors, Eugene Oscislawski, secretary of Branch 234, and Andrij Skyba, secretary of Branch 399, who each enrolled 34 new members.

They were followed by UNA Advisor Andre Worobec, Branch 76, who enrolled 25 new members; Joseph Chabon, Branch 242, with 18 members; UNA Advisor Stephanie Hawryluk, Branch 88, 17 members; Michael Turko, Branch 63, 16 members; UNA Auditor Stefan Hawrysz, Branch 83, 15 members; Lubov Streletsky, Branch 10, 14 members; and Paul Fuga, Branch 269, 13 new members.

Three secretaries/organizers enrolled 12 new members each: the Rev. Myron Kotch, Branch 39; Vira Krywyj, Branch 174; and Longin Staruch, Branch 371.

George Yurkiw, Branch 130, enrolled 11 new members, while Dana Jasinski, Branch 287, signed up 10.

Three organizers enrolled nine new members each; four enrolled eight members each; three enrolled seven members each; four enrolled six members each; eight enrolled five members each; eight enrolled four members each; 16 enrolled three members each; 15 enrolled two members each; and 36 enrolled one new member each.

If all the convention delegates had remembered their pledge and enrolled 10 members each, the UNA would have grown by 2,350 new members. The delegates brought in 533 new members.

We thank all delegates who enrolled new members into the UNA - especially those who enrolled 10 or more each.

- Maria Oscislawski, Organizing Department

UNA publishes 1999 Almanac

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The 1999 Almanac of the Ukrainian National Association published by the Svoboda Press was released here in late December 1998 and mailed out to all subscribers of Svoboda in January.

The 288-page book - the 89th annual publication of this type released by the UNA's publishing house - appears on the 105th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Association. It includes articles, memoirs, stories and poetry by more than 40 authors from around the world.

One might conclude, judging from its cover, that the almanac is dedicated to the 340th anniversary of the Battle of Konotop. However, the volume in fact covers many diverse topics and anniversaries, among them the approaching Second Millennium of Christianity, the 80th anniversary of the Act of Union that united all Ukrainian lands into the Ukrainian National Republic, the 55th anniversary of the tragic Battle of Brody, the 150th anniversary of the writer Olena Pchilka, and the 100th anniversaries of the writer Borys Antonenko-Davydovych and the sculptor Serhii Lytvynenko.

The volume also includes articles ranging from information about human rights activist and political prisoner Valerii Marchenko, who died in the Soviet gulag; to poetry by 12 poets, as well as an article about soccer in Ukraine. Various articles, memoirs depict the life of Ukrainians in the diaspora and in Ukraine.

The editor of the 1999 UNA Almanac is Raissa Galechko; Ludmyla Wolansky is the language (copy) editor. Cover design is by Ivan Jaciw.

The almanac may be ordered via mail by sending $12 to: Svoboda Press, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 21, 1999, No. 8, Vol. LXVII

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