Austrian issue honors WUNR

A special cover was released last year in Vienna by the Ukrainian Stamp Collectors Club of Austria to mark the 80th anniversary of the proclamation of the Western Ukrainian National Republic covering Ukrainian ethnographic territory in Austria-Hungary on November 1, 1918. The cover and a special cancellation depict Yevhen Petrushevych, president of the WUNR. The trilingual (English-German-Ukrainian) text on the reverse side of the cover note that the first stamps of the WUNR were issued on November 20, 1918, as overprints of the coat of arms (lion) and the name of the new state on Austrian postage stamps. The cover is designed by Lviv artist Ivan Turetskyi; layout is by Erhard Steinhagen of Vienna. (For information write to: Ukrainischer Briefmarken-Sammler-Verein in Österreich, A-1010 Wien, Schönlaterngasse 7/8, Austria.)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 7, 1999, No. 10, Vol. LXVII

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