New chamber ensemble in Winnipeg dedicated to promoting Ukrainian music

by Dr. Roman Yereniuk

WINNIPEG - A new chamber choral ensemble dedicated to promoting and teaching the finest aspects of the Ukrainian choral church music tradition has been established here. Based at the St. Andrew's College, the St. Andrew's College Chamber Choral Ensemble was established in September 1998 by Tatiana Navolska, the college's lecturer of church music, with the support of the college's board of directors and its administration. Ms. Navolska is also the ensemble's first choral director.

On Friday, December 11, 1998, the ensemble performed at the Eva Claire Hall of the School of Music at the University of Manitoba as part of the regular noon performing series. The repertoire included eight liturgical hymns from the Ukrainian Byzantine liturgy by 18th century composer Berezovsky (1745-1777). The eight hymns were performed a cappella with excellent melodic harmony and great dignity. The eight singers of the ensemble have rich and well-balanced voices and were capably guided through their repertoire by Ms. Navolska. The ensemble sang with much sensitivity and emotion. Excellent commentary of each number was provided by Ms. Navolska.

To compare the Ukrainian Byzantine musical tradition with that of Western Christianity, two selections were sung from J.S. Bach's Mass in B minor. These two numbers were performed by Ms. Navolska, soprano, and Linda De Pauw, mezzo soprano, with piano accompaniment by Carole Pollard. At the end of the recital the three performers also presented several Ukrainian melodies by Kropyvnitskiy and Lysenko.

On Sunday, December 13, the ensemble sang the responses to the liturgy on the Feast Day of St. Andrew at the college. The liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Wasyly Fedak, the primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and the college's chancellor.

The ensemble's director, Ms. Navolska, is a graduate of the Kyiv Institute of Culture's choral music department. She came to Canada seven years ago and has taught and conducted the Edmonton CYMK Choir, St. Vladimir's College Choir in Roblin, Manitoba, and presently is on the staff of St. Andrew's College in Winnipeg as the instructor of church music, her second year at the college. She is a specialist in choral music and directing.

For more information on the ensemble, contact St. Andrew's College or Ms. Navolska at 212 St. Andrew's College, 29 Dysart Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M7; or telephone, (204) 474-6042; fax, (204) 474-7624.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 21, 1999, No. 12, Vol. LXVII

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