Twelve debutantes presented at Chervona Kalyna Ball

TEANECK, N.J. - Over the past 40 years, the Chervona Kalyna Ball has become synonymous in the Ukrainian community, especially among the young, with elegance, dancing and fun. This year no one was disappointed.

The tradition of the Chervona Kalyna Ball originated in Lviv, in the 1920s and was officially re-established in New York City in 1959 by the veterans of the Sichovi Striltsi, who in 1983 passed the patronage of the ball to the Chervona Kalyna Plast fraternity.

On February 13, to the music of two well-known orchestras, Tempo and Luna, in the grand ballroom of the Marriott Hotel at Glenpointe, 12 beautiful debutantes were presented by their parents to the gathered guests. The masters of ceremonies, Orest and Martha Kebalo, announced the debutantes and their escorts who, to the sounds of marches of the Sichovi Striltsi, beautifully executed a presentation dance choreographed by Ania Bohachevsky Lonkevych. Olya Stawnychy was the coordinator of the debutante program.

The debutantes were: Larissa Bohdanowycz (escorted by Volodymyr Chaban), Katrina Adrianna Durbak (Paul Farmiga), Kvitoslava Gorbaliuk (Petro Steciuk), Oksana Irena Huk (Marko Domaradsky), Laryssa Anastasia Huryn (Daniel Krup), Odarka Koshariuk (Adrian Berezowsky), Natalia Teodora Krawciw (Damien Matusiak), Katria Natalia Kuzmowycz (Darko Kocylowsky), Oksana Tatiana Polowczak (Adrian Pyrih), Victoria Melania Rakowsky (Andrew Brodyn), Xenia Rybak (Andrew Nynka) and Ustya Zorianna Tarnawsky (Matt Hotra).

The chairman of the ball, Dr. Yaroslaw Stawnychy, welcomed and greeted the many guests, especially the distinguished diplomats from Ukraine, among whom were Anton Buteiko, ambassador of Ukraine to the United States, Volodymyr Yelchenko, ambassador of Ukraine to the United Nations, and Consul General of Ukraine in New York Yuriy Bohaievskiy, with their wives.

Well over 900 guests danced to the magical sounds of the orchestras and lingered long after the music ended. It seems no one wanted the evening to end. As the last Chervona Kalyna Ball of the 1900s, it was a great success. Organizers are looking forward to an even greater end-of-the millennium ball in the year 2000.

The Chervona Kalyna Ball Committee for 1999 included the following members: Dr. Stawnychy, chairman; Ihor Sochan, administrator; Bohdan Tytla, press and tableau; Markian Tytla, flowers; Ms. Stawnycky, debutante coordinator, Marko Dulyn, Marko Lysynetsky and members of the Chervona Kalyna Plast fraternity. The commemorative program booklet was designed by Maria Sochan Tymyc.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 28, 1999, No. 13, Vol. LXVII

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