Buchanan cites Great Famine

On CNN's "Crossfire" on April 6 during a discussion on NATO's use of force in Yugoslavia, Patrick Buchanan was asked whether, if the U.S. had learned in 1939 that the Germans were rounding up Jews and planning to exterminate them, President Franklin D. Roosevelt could have sent U.S. troops into Germany to do something about it. After noting that the president could not have acted on his own, and the situation would not have permitted it, Mr. Buchanan cited a previous precedent when the U.S. did nothing:

"Let me say that in 1933 when Stalin was doing exactly that - the murder of 5 million Ukrainians being starved to death - FDR reached out and recognized the Soviet Union, brought the foreign minister into the White House - one of the greatest holocausts of the century."

- submitted by Dr. George Bohatiuk, Bear, Del.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 11, 1999, No. 15, Vol. LXVII

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