New York School of Ukrainian Studies plans "reunion of all reunions"

by Anisa Sawyckyj Mycak

NEW YORK - Imagine reaching back over the decades to meet once again with former classmates, friends and teachers from your Ukrainian Saturday school. Just such an event is now being organized to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the School of Ukrainian Studies in New York City.

This school, whose sponsor is the New York branch of the Self Reliance Association of Ukrainian Americans, is the oldest of the Saturday schools ("Shkoly Ukrainoznavstva") organized by the post-World War II émigrés to the United States. It operates within the framework of the Educational Council of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), and meets weekly at St. George Ukrainian Catholic School at 215 E. Sixth St. in New York.

After 50 years of existence, the school is still a vibrant institution, with about 120 students, age 5 to 17, coming through its doors to learn about their Ukrainian heritage, and in the process developing close links and friendships that often last a lifetime.

The 50th Anniversary Committee formed at the school to prepare for the celebration is creating an opportunity for students of the past five decades to meet again in a massive get-together, billed as "the reunion of all reunions."

The reunion will be in the form of a Golden Jubilee Banquet and Ball, which will take place on Saturday, October 2, in the heart of New York's Ukrainian community, the Ukrainian National Home at 140 Second Ave. All students, teachers and friends of the school are invited to attend.

Tempo, the popular band that itself has been an important part of the Ukrainian American landscape over these same decades will perform. Special parking will be designated to accommodate out-of-town guests.

The anniversary committee consists largely of parents of current students, teachers and former students. Honorary members are Olha Kekish, the school's director for the past 14 years, and Natalia Duma, president of the Self Reliance Association, New York branch. The committee is chaired by Luba Labunka, who is also president of the Parents' Committee at the school.

Organizers are also publishing a 50th jubilee book that will highlight the history of the school, profile its students and faculty, and include photos and documents from the school's archives. The editor of the book is Anisa Sawyckyj Mycak.

Former students and faculty are being asked to send in biographical information and brief memoirs of their school years, as well as photos, so these can be added to the school's archives and be included in the jubilee book, as space allows.

A third vital part of the school's 50th anniversary celebration is the creation of a computerized database of all current and former students and faculty. It will serve as the basis for a biographical index and an address directory for the school's records, as well as for the jubilee book. A website for the school is under construction.

The database, developed on the basis of existing school records, still has gaps, especially for the 1950s and 1960s. Former students and teachers who do not receive a mailing from the committee in April should send in their addresses in order to be included in the database, and receive important mailings about upcoming events. Contact the committee's database manager, Ivan Durbak, at 16 Fawn Hill Court, Ramsey, NJ 07446; e-mail, [email protected].

"The October 2 reunion will be more than just a great way to meet again with friends and colleagues. It will also be a fitting way for two generations of Ukrainian American students to honor the memory of the school's visionary founders and to say a collective 'thank you' to all their dedicated teachers and parents," said Ms. Labunka, committee chair.

"Former students can also get involved by making donations to the 50th Anniversary Fund, by buying a congratulatory ad or business ad in the jubilee book, or by making an additional financial contribution to the Jubilee Book Fund to help defray publication costs," Ms. Labunka added.

Donations, which are tax-deductible, may be made to "Self Reliance Association Parents' Committee" with a memo "50th Anniversary Fund" or "Jubilee Book" and mailed to: 50th Anniversary Committee, c/o O. Andersen, 66-46 Gray St., Middle Village, NY 11379.

In addition to Ms. Labunka, Ms. Kekish, and Ms. Duma, the other members of the 50th Anniversary Committee are: Oksana Chomut-Andersen, Natalia Danysh, Mr. Durbak, Marusia Durbak, George Gajecky, Irene Halatyn, Mira Hankewycz, Serhij Hoshowsky, Slawko Konowalskyj, Vera Kosovych, Vera Krup, Christine Kuzmowycz-Sawicki, Emilia Liteplo, Ms. Mycak, Olya Stasiuk and Tania Tershakovec.

For further information, or to volunteer, contact Ms. Chomut-Andersen, (718) 326-4319, or Mr. Durbak, [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 11, 1999, No. 15, Vol. LXVII

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