UNA executives hold quarterly meeting

by Martha Lysko
UNA National Secretary

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Ukrainian National Association's Executive Committee held its regular quarterly meeting here at the UNA Corporate Headquarters on March 19.

In attendance were all the members of the Executive Committee: President Ulana Diachuk, First Vice-President Stefko Kuropas, Second Vice-President Anya Dydyk, Director for Canada the Rev. Myron Stasiw, National Secretary Martha Lysko, Treasurer Stefan Kaczaraj. Also present was the chairman of the UNA Auditing Committee, William Pastuszek.

The treasurer presented the financial report for 1998, noting that UNA assets total $69,415,031. Income from dues was $2,415,894. Expenses for 1998 were decreased by $899,121, as compared with the previous year. The UNA's surplus now stands at $8,078,705.

The national secretary reported that as of the end of 1998 the UNA had 55,247 members insured for a total of $192,036,275. During 1998, she said, 823 new members were enrolled for insurance coverage of $11,822,481.

The president began her report by focusing on UNA publications. During January and February of this year Svoboda gained 26 new subscribers, while The Ukrainian Weekly had a loss of 13 subscribers during the same period. The UNA Almanac brought in $32,095 and covered all expenses. During the first two months of the year the Svoboda Press Fund collected $7,457 (most of that from donations collected with payments for the 1999 UNA Almanac), while the Weekly had donations of $696.

The president further reported that Soyuzivka is planning to host a Mother's Day celebration, is preparing a picnic for new arrivals from Ukraine, and is readying itself for the summer season.

As regards organizing work, the president provided a short review of statistics for 1998, singling out three top organizers: Eugene Oscislawski, Andrew Skyba and Joseph Chabon. She noted that 19 branches had enrolled 10 or more new members during the report period. In Canada the UNA's professional sales force sold 58 policies, while secretaries brought in 38.

The Toronto Sales Office and the dismissal of its director, Robert Cook, were discussed during the meeting. The office was officially closed as of the end of December and all salespersons were laid off. During the past year, Canadian insurance authorities had conducted an audit of the UNA's insurance operations, giving a series of recommendations on procedures. The authorities require that all Canadian checks be signed by the UNA's chief agent in Canada, that all funds collected for dues be deposited only in Canadian banks, and that all investments be invested for longer terms. The authorities have also requested a five-year projection of the UNA's Canadian business.

The Ukrainian National Aid Association of America (UNAAA) and the UNA had agreed in May 1998 to merge. To date, the UNA has not received a response from the state insurance authorities of New Jersey; the merger will go into effect only after the state approves it.

A wide-ranging plan for new insurance products was presented for discussion at the Executive Committee meeting. New dues books and new UNA plans will come into use in May of this year. Taking into account increased life expectancy in the U.S., the UNA will sell life insurance to applicants up to age 85, and single-premium certificates to persons up to age 90. In general, it can be said that the UNA will decrease dues on insurance policies by between 20 and 67 percent, depending on the class of insurance. These discounts are based on the establishment of new rates for non-smokers. The UNA will also issue a new term policy for children up to age 15.

In order to increase its organizing activity, in January the UNA signed an agreement of cooperation with another fraternal organization, Western Catholic Union. The UNA has hired its director to seek insurance salespersons and agents who will sell UNA products on commission. Such agreements have already been put into effect by other fraternal organizations and have achieved good results. The UNA plans to begin this campaign in Ohio, Illinois and Michigan.

(Translated from Ukrainian by The Ukrainian Weekly staff.)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 18, 1999, No. 16, Vol. LXVII

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