Northern New Jersey

by Roma Hadzewycz
District Press Liaison

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Northern New Jersey District Committee of the Ukrainian National Association held its annual meeting here at the UNA Corporate Headquarters on Friday, March 5.

The meeting was brought to order by UNA Advisor Eugene Oscislawski, the district chairman, who welcomed branch representatives, district officers and members of the UNA General Assembly: President Ulana Diachuk, National Secretary Martha Lysko, Treasurer Stefan Kaczaraj, Advisor Andre Worobec and Honorary Member Walter Sochan. Also present were former UNA Advisor Andrew Keybida and Honorary District Chairman John Chomko.

Gregory Klymenko was elected to chair the meeting; Mark Datzkiwsky was elected secretary of the annual meeting. Mr. Datzkiwsky also read the minutes of the 1998 annual meeting, which were unanimously accepted.

Mr. Oscislawski delivered a report on the work of the district during the past year, noting that the district has been a very active one thanks to active officers, who held five meetings and conducted diverse activities, from a garage sale to raise funds for district activity, to a lecture by Dr. Myron Kuropas, author of the centennial history of the UNA (accompanied by an art exhibit by Roman Demko). Perhaps the most successful event of all was a Yalynka (Christmas party) for children that attracted 60 children and their parents, including newcomers from Ukraine.

Of the 16 members of the district board, Mr. Oscislawski said 12 were active. The district chairman concluded his report by calling on all branches to enroll at least five members each during 1999.

Treasurer Lon Staruch reported on the district's income and expenses, noting a balance of $2,883,67 in the district treasury.

After all officers had delivered brief reports, Dr. Ivan Pelech, speaking on behalf of the auditing committee, noted that all district books are in order and recommended a vote of confidence for the outgoing officers.

Next came the report of the nominations committee, consisting of Andre Worobec, Julian Kotlar and Maria Oscislawski.

The committee recommended the following board: Mr. Oscislawski, chairman; Mr. Kotlar, first vice-chairman; Mr. Staruch, second vice-chairman; Mr. Datzkiwsky, secretary; Mr. Worobec, treasurer; Sofia Derzko, Ukrainian-language press liaison; Roma Hadzewycz, English-language press liaison; Mrs. Oscislawski and Maria Haluszczak, events/organizing directors; Daria Semegen, member at large; Dr. Pelech, Mr. Klymenko and Stephan Welhasch, auditors; Wolodymyr Bilyk and John Chomko, honorary chairmen of the district. The slate was unanimously elected.

Next came remarks by the UNA executive officers in attendance. Mrs. Lysko spoke about the UNA's new insurance plans, including a term policy for children, and lower rates for term insurance. She added that a new UNA ratebook should be ready by mid-April.

Mrs. Lysko also explained that branch secretaries can now opt for direct billing (done by the Home Office) of their members.

Mrs. Diachuk congratulated the district for being No. 1 among all UNA districts in organizing activity for 1998, having enrolled 132 new members insured for $1,963,116 (for an average face value of $14,872) and thus attaining 120 percent of its annual quota. The top two organizers were Mr. Oscislawski, who enrolled 34 members insured for $737,455; and Mr. Worobec, who signed up 16 members insured for $325,661. She presented the district with a reward of $630 for its active enrollment campaign.

The president also spoke about secretaries' and organizers' courses that are being planned in various districts, as well as refresher courses for secretaries that are scheduled to take place at Soyuzivka in mid-August. She spoke also of new procedures and requirements of the UNA Scholarship Program, and noted that the Association of UNA Seniors this year will mark its 25th anniversary.

As regards the UNA's newspapers, Mrs. Diachuk said efforts are being made to increase the number of subscribers and called on all present to help promote Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly by enlisting new subscribers. The Svoboda Bookstore, meanwhile, is now undergoing inventory; its older stock is being liquidated and books are being shipped to Ukraine.

Finally, the UNA president touched upon the UNA By-Laws, which now contain a provision for voting by mail on amendments to the by-laws. By the end of 1999, she said, the UNA must poll delegates to its last convention on whether the fraternal organization should adopt a corporate structure, i.e., elect a board of directors who will then hire officers to conduct the UNA's day-to-day business. If that proposal is adopted, the next UNA convention in 2002 will no longer elect a General Assembly composed of executive officers, advisors and auditors, but an 11-member board of directors.

Mr. Kaczaraj gave a summary of UNA finances for 1998, reporting on insurance and investment operations, Soyuzivka, the Svoboda Press and The Ukrainian Weekly. He indicated that the UNA had succeeded in significantly cutting back on expenses for 1998 as compared with 1997.

During the discussion period various matters were raised, including: dividends to members, scholarships, reasons for losses in membership, discontinued UNA insurance policies, payment of dues to branches and the fate of the Svoboda Bookstore.

At the conclusion of the meeting, newly re-elected District Chairman Oscislawski thanked the branch delegates and district activists for their confidence and expressed thanks to other board members for their cooperation. Discussions continued over refreshments.

Young UNA'er

Chesaria Sofia Reffner, seen above with her pal, is a new member of UNA Branch 277 in Hartford, Conn. Chesaria is the daughter of Natalie and Michael Reffner. She was enrolled by her grandparents George and Areta Baranowskyj.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 18, 1999, No. 16, Vol. LXVII

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