FOR THE RECORD: CBS letter regarding settlement

Below is the text of the April 21 letter from Louis J. Briskman, CBS executive vice-president and general counsel, to Arthur Belendiuk, counsel for Alexander Serafyn, regarding settlement of the case revolving around "The Ugly Face of Freedom."

Dear Mr. Belendiuk:

Thank you for arranging our recent meeting concerning settlement. As a follow-up to those discussions, let me again express regret on behalf of CBS over the fact that Ukrainian Americans were offended by the October 23, 1994, "60 Minutes" feature entitled "The Ugly Face of Freedom" and saw it as a generalized condemnation of persons of Ukrainian ancestry. CBS did not intend to convey such an impression.

Indeed, I want to squarely address the suggestion that our broadcast intended to imply that Ukrainians are somehow genetically anti-Semitic. Nothing could be further from the truth. This was not our intention when we first broadcast the report, nor is it our belief today. In fact, our broadcast in 1994 contained an interview with Deputy Cardinal [sic] Monsignor Dacko in which he stated that identifying the entire Ukrainian society as anti-Semitic would be an injustice. We certainly agree. Moreover, we are aware that, since its independence, the government of Ukraine has vigorously defended the civil rights of all citizens, especially ethnic minorities.

While CBS and your clients may not agree about the merits of the "60 Minutes" broadcast and may have differences concerning possible future programs, I am hopeful that our meeting helped to promote mutual respect and understanding. In this regard, let me assure you that CBS has no "agenda" with regard to the Ukrainian people and country. Our desire is to maintain good relations with all segments of the television audience and, obviously, the Ukrainian American community is no exception.

Finally, let me note that CBS typically consults with recognized experts representing a broad spectrum of viewpoints on controversial issues. Should "60 Minutes" or another CBS news documentary program produce a further news feature focusing on Ukraine, you may be assured that CBS will follow this practice and specifically consult with persons knowledgeable about Ukraine. Of course, as you know, the ultimate editorial determination with respect to any news report must remain solely with CBS. However, as always, we will be interested in having access to differing points of view.

Thank you and best personal regards.

Sincerely yours,
Louis T. Briskman

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 1999, No. 18, Vol. LXVII

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