Ukraine and the Chornobyl disaster

The following statement, "Ukraine and the Chornobyl disaster" was released on April 22 by the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada.

Thirteen years ago on April 26, 1986, in the proximity of the ancient Ukrainian town of Chornobyl, a tragedy occurred that will remain in the memory of all people as a reminder that scientific and technological progress can also bear bitter fruit. Mankind has never known ecological catastrophes of such scale before.

Regardless of Ukraine's difficult economic situation, this country continues to suffer enormous financial losses in connection with environmental rehabilitation and protection of the affected population, which in some years amounts to 10 percent of the state budget.

As a country that experienced for itself the tragedy of nuclear disaster, Ukraine understands the concern of the world community for the continued exploitation of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. With this in mind, Ukraine made a difficult political decision to close down the plant by the year 2000 on condition of receiving adequate and timely financial and technical assistance.

The solution to this problem is being viewed by the Ukrainian side in the context of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Closure of the Chornobyl NPP between the government of Ukraine, the governments of the G-7 countries and the Commission of the European Community signed in Ottawa on December 20, 1995.

Ukraine consistently fulfills its obligations under the MOU. In 1996 block No. 1 of the Chornobyl plant was closed down, and in March of this year the government of Ukraine approved the decision to shut down block No. 2 ahead of schedule.

Also, in March 1999 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the decision on the priority financing of all measures in connection with the closure of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant and the meeting of nuclear, radiation, fire and general safety requirements for closing of nuclear facilities, as well as of the Ukrainian share of contributions into the Shelter Implementation Plan (SIP) Fund.

Consistently fulfilling its obligations, Ukraine has every ground to expect the same from the other parties to the MOU.

At the same time, the government of Ukraine states that, regardless of certain positive developments in the MOU implementation, the realization of the projects aimed at enhancing the level of nuclear safety of Chornobyl's block No. 3 and stabilizing the shelter object, to this end no substantial investments have been involved in the solution of the complex of problems concerning the closure of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Of the $41.8 billion (U.S.) for the development of Ukraine's energy sector that was to be received from Western countries, only two projects are now being financed at the sum total of $24.3 million (U.S.).

The Ukrainian side is especially concerned by the state of crediting of the completion of additional blocks at the Khmelnytskyi and Rivne nuclear power plants, the main energy objects to replace the Chornobyl plant, which as of today remains unrealized.

The realization of the Shelter Implementation Plan is another important factor of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant's closure. As of today, the SIP Fund accounts for $393.72 million (U.S.). Considering that all the works envisaged by the plan would require $758 million (U.S.), it is extremely important to provide the SIP with appropriate funding as soon as possible mainly by way of mobilizing means from the budgets of the donor countries, in particular the G-7, as well as involving private-sector contributions.

In this context, Ukraine would welcome the convocation of a second donor countries' conference which would contribute to the final settlement of the problem of SIP funding.

Other MOU provisions, particularly the need to address social problems connected with the Chornobyl nuclear power plant's closure, require adequate financing as well.

Ukraine hopes that the combined efforts of the international community will help overcome the consequences of the Chornobyl tragedy - the worst ecological catastrophe in the history of mankind.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 1999, No. 18, Vol. LXVII

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