A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Harvard again hosts Ukrainian Summer Institute for students from near and far

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Once again, students from around the world will gather at Harvard for the 1999 Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute. Students from Ukraine, Russia, Norway, Slovakia - even Hong Kong - will take courses in Ukrainian language, literature, history, and politics.

Vera Andrushkiw will return as HUSI director, and she will be joined by veteran language instructors Natalia Shostak and Yuri Shevchuk as teachers of Ukrainian.

Harvard professors Roman Szporluk and George Grabowicz will offer seminars in, respectively, Ukrainian history and literature.

James Clem, executive director of the Ukrainian Research Institute, will direct a team-taught course on Ukrainian politics and society. Lecturers will include Profs. Szporluk and Grabowicz of Harvard, Myroslava Mudrak of the Ohio State University, who will lecture on Ukrainian art history, and Alexander Pivovarsky of the Harvard Institute for International Development, who will lecture on the Ukraine's economy.

This year's summer institute will also include an exciting cultural program. Scheduled events include a lecture by Dr. Bohdan Budzan of the International Management Institute of Lviv, a literary evening with author Askold Melnyczuk, a slide presentation by photographer Tanya D'Avignon, a summer-long exhibition of the art of Jacques Hnizdovsky, a musical evening by the Cheres Ensemble, and a performance of an original play by Volodymyr Dibrova.

Other activities will include trips to local Boston sights, the Tanglewood musical festival and Crane's Beach (now dubbed Ukraine's Beach).

Applications are still being accepted for the 1999 program. For further information, contact Patricia Coatsworth at (617) 496-5651, or e-mail [email protected].

A Ukrainian Summer

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 1999, No. 18, Vol. LXVII

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