A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Odesa Pavilion to be highlight at Toronto's Caravan fest

by Maria Rypan

TORONTO - Why wait until December 31 to say good-bye to the old millennium and say hello to the new one?

You can do it this summer at the Odesa Pavilion at St. Vladimir Institute during this year's Metro International Caravan festival.

The Odesa Pavilion - this year's only Ukrainian pavilion - will throw a gigantic Ukrainian winter party during Caravan from Friday, June 25, to Saturday, July 3. Here's your chance to celebrate the cycle of festivals running from St. Andrew's Evening (Andriyivskyi Vechir) to Malanka (New Year's Eve) at one fell swoop.

Sing your favorite carols, watch the dances and costumed performers (such as old Malanka and young Vasyl), check out the pysanky, gerdany and other crafts, visit the kylym exhibit in the museum, dine on your favorite Ukrainian dishes.

So, if you're visiting Toronto this summer, come on and join the party at the Odesa Pavilion. Call St. Vladimir Institute at (416) 923-3318 for more information.

A Ukrainian Summer

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 2, 1999, No. 18, Vol. LXVII

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