Ukraine extends landmine export moratorium

OTTAWA - The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on March 22 adopted Resolution No. 426, whereby the moratorium on export by Ukraine of anti-personnel landmines (APMs) of all types is extended for another four years.

News of the resolution was released by Ukraine's Embassy in Canada on April 29.

Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 686 of August 27, 1995, had introduced a four-year national moratorium on APM export, which entered into force on September 1 of that year.

Ukraine does not produce or export APMs. The latest decision by the Ukrainian government has once again confirmed the country's consistent policy towards the prohibition and destruction of these weapons.

Ukraine signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Landmines and on Their Destruction, known as the Ottawa Convention, on February 24.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 16, 1999, No. 20, Vol. LXVII

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