New York

by Mary Dushnyck

NEW YORK, NY - The annual meeting of the Ukrainian National Association's New York District Committee was held at the Self Reliance in New York.

Chairperson Barbara Bachynsky, who is also a UNA advisor, welcomed branch secretaries, officers, organizers and members, as well as Stefan Kaczaraj, UNA Treasurer, Dr. Vasyl Luchkiw, UNA advisor and honorary chairman of the district, and Mary Dushnyck, honorary member of UNA General Assembly.

Chosen to the presidium were Dr. Luchkiw, chairman, and Mrs. Bachynsky, secretary. A nominating committee was named, consisting of John Choma, Yuriy Kostiw and George Yurkiw.

The minutes of last year's annual meeting were read by Nadia Sawczuk, the vice-chairperson of the district, and accepted by the membership.

The first of the officers to report was the district's treasurer, Mr. Choma, who detailed the condition of the district's finances.

In her report Mrs. Bachynsky noted that the district had gained 75 new members, meeting its quota by 88 percent. She also informed the gathering that 25 students from 15 New York branches had received UNA scholarships for the 1998-1999 academic year. Upon the death of its secretary, Dr. Roman Holiat, Branch 19 was merged with Branch 184.

The outgoing officers were then given a vote of confidence for meritoriously carrying out their duties.

In his presentation Mr. Kaczaraj reported on the UNA's finances, organizing achievements and planned courses for secretaries and organizers, as well as new insurance products, such as a whole life policy available for persons up to age 85. Certain policies will be eliminated, he noted.

He also touched on new rules for scholarships, Soyuzivka, UNA publications and changes in UNA By-Laws. Mr. Kaczaraj underlined that the UNA had significantly reduced expenses in 1998, and a larger surplus was anticipated.

Mr. Kaczaraj congratulated the New York District for organizing 75 new members for a total of $579,000 of insurance. The leading district organizers for 1998 were: Mr. Yurkiw (Branch 130), 11 members: John Danilack (for Branches 86 and 361), eight members; Dawn Pryhoda (Branch 200) and Zenobia Zarycky (Branch 327), seven members each; Maria Kulczky (Branch 8), six members; Olena Goy (Branch 194), Olga Liteplo (Branch 361) and Walter Szpaczynsky (Branch 327), four members each; Oksana Lopatynsky (Branch 194) and Gloria Tolopko (Branch 267), three members each; and John Pryhoda (Branch 200), Mr. Choma (Branch 293) and Mrs. Dushnyck (Branch 293), two members each. While thirteen other branches each organized one new member, four other branches failed to enroll a single new member.

Next on the agenda was the presentation of the nominating committee's slate of officers for the year ahead, which was accepted unanimously as follows: Mrs. Bachynsky, chairperson; Mrs. Sawczuk and Mr. Kostiw, vice-chairpersons; Olena Goy, secretary; and John Choma, treasurer. Committees are headed by: press - Mrs. Lopatynsky (Ukrainian) and Mrs. Dushnyck (English); program - Sam Liteplo; organizing - Olga Liteplo and Dr. George Soltys. Members-at-large are: Roman Forostyna, Ivan Darnobid and Mr. Yurkiw. The Auditing Committee includes: Michajlo Spontak (chair), Taras Schumylowych and Bazyli Panchak, members.

The newly re-elected chairperson, Mrs. Bachynsky, announced a plan of action for the upcoming year, including participation in community events such as the St. George Church Street Festival, the UNA Seniors' 25th anniversary conference at Soyuzivka, and a Mother's Day celebration.

In adjourning the meeting, Mrs. Bachynsky thanked all for their past cooperation and continuing support.

Report on organizing results for the first quarter of 1999

Organizing Department

The Ukrainian National Association's organizing achievements for the first quarter of 1999 may not be extraordinary, but they demonstrate the steady work of secretaries and professional organizers.

The UNA has 27 districts and 259 branches. During the first quarter of this year, 19 districts enrolled new members; during those three months, 129 policies were sold for $1,106,562 of insurance coverage.

The Northern New Jersey District was in first place with 34 polices for $278,562, Connecticut was in second place, and Baltimore was in third. Unfortunately, eight districts did not enroll a single member. This will have a negative effect on their chances to meet the annual quota.

Over all, the Ukrainian National Association attained 10.32 percent of its annual quota. We call on all districts to become active in organizing work so that the designated quota is met by year's end.

The following branch secretaries and sales professionals were the best organizers during the first quarter of this year:

Four policies each were sold by Walter Krywulych, secretary of Branch 266 in Amsterdam, N.Y.; Myron Kuzio, secretary of Branch 277 in Connecticut; and Myron Luszczak, secretary of Branch 379 in Chicago.

Five secretaries enrolled three members each; 11 enrolled two members each; and 30 enrolled one member during the first quarter of 1999.

We sincerely thank all who care about the well-being of our organization. We call on all districts and all branches to become active in organizing work.

(Translated from Ukrainian by The Ukrainian Weekly.)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 30, 1999, No. 22, Vol. LXVII

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