UABA to meet during Joint Conferences

by Donna T. Pochoday

WASHINGTON - The Ukrainian American Bar Association (UABA) (Asotsiyatsia Ukraiinskykh Pravnykiv Ameryky) is one of the six main sponsoring organizations of the Joint Conferencse of Ukrainian American Organizations that will take place at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Va., on June 23-27.

The other main sponsors of these conferences include: The Washington Group (TWG), the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA), the Ukrainian National Credit Union Association (UNCUA), the Ukrainian Engineers of America (UEA) and the Ukrainian Librarians of America (ULA). Other organizations are sponsoring various receptions and/or participating in the conferences, while marketing support is being provided by The Ukrainian Weekly, Brama and Kontakt. Dr. Roman Goy, who spearheaded the concept behind this conference, has been acting as conference director.

During the course of the conferences on Friday, June 25, the UABA association will hold its own meeting and program. The UABA Friday program will attempt to provide a balanced agenda on a variety of current topics affecting both the Ukrainian and American legal communities.

The recent proposed settlement of the proceedings commenced by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Alexander Serafyn and Oleg Nikolyszyn before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) against CBS arising out of the "60 Minutes" segment called "The Ugly Face of Freedom" will be one of the matters on the program. The attorneys involved at various stages of these administrative and legal proceedings, Arthur Belendiuk (counsel for Serafyn and UCCA), Donna T. Pochoday (counsel for Nikolyszyn and president of the UABA), Askold Lozynskyj (UCCA) and William Crispin (legal adviser) will present their respective analysis of the case and the settlement discussions. Attendees will be able to view the original 20-minute segment as presented by "60 Minutes" on October 23, 1994.

Another topic of interest to the general public, especially the former members of Galicia Division and Ukrainian American Veterans, will be Andre Michniak's presentation on U.S. immigration law, including laws on inadmissibility and eligibility. In making his presentation, Mr. Michniak will draw on Pavlo Lazarenko's recent petition for U.S. asylum and the harassment of former members of Galicia Division as case studies.

Attendees interested in legal and judicial reform in Ukraine will benefit by attending a UABA session on that topic featuring such notable speakers as Ukraine's ambassador to the U.S. Anton Buteiko, Judge Bohdan Futey and Stephen Nix, all of whom have direct experience and knowledge of the legal reform processes in Ukraine.

The UABA is also participating in a joint panel titled "U.S.-Ukraine Business Cooperation" with The Washington Group during its Saturday, June 26, program. Markian Silecky, along with Ukraine's trade representative, Dr. Yaroslav Voitko, Nick Deychakiwsky (Eurasia Foundation), Danylo Kourdelchouk (head of Inurcolegia, a Ukrainian bar association) and Kempton Jenkins of the Ukraine-U.S. Council will give their unique perspective on U.S. business relations with Ukraine.

Andrew Fylypovych, will provide a presentation on the topic of "Liability of the Design Professional" at the architects' program on Saturday morning, while Hilary Kinal, will give a general legal presentation and will answer general legal questions from the audience at the open program for all conference attendees, spouses and guests.

In addition to these general-interest topics, lawyers and law students attending the UABA program will hear from the UABA president, Ms. Pochoday, on "Building a Successful Law Practice for 2000," while lawyers from Drobenko & Piddoubny will address the legal area of "Civil Forfeitures and Seizures." A new slate of UABA officers and board of governors will be elected during this meeting.

Lawyers, law students and members of the general public are invited to attend the UABA program. Additional information may be obtained by calling 1-888-UABA-LAW, 973-701-0544, or on the website at For general conference information, conference registration, exhibitor, vendor and press information please call 888-798-6262 or visit

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 13, 1999, No. 24, Vol. LXVII

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