UNWLA holds 25th convention

by Maria Tomorug

ROSEMONT, Ill. - The Ukrainian National Women's League of America Inc. (UNWLA) held its 25th Convention on Friday, May 28, through Monday, May 31, here at the Hotel Westin O'Hare, located near Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Approximately 200 delegates from across the United States and 100 guests who attended the four-day convention.

The UNWLA's Chicago Regional Council, whose president is Lubomyra Kalin, hosted the convention; the Convention Committee, which was in charge of all preparations for the triennial convention, was chaired by Olena Semianczuk-Matwyshyn.

As the 1999 UNWLA convention was being held at the dawn of a new century, the theme of the convention was "Our Glorious Path is the Bridge to the Future."

The 25th Convention Book provided a good review of the accomplishments of the UNWLA during the last three years. It contained reports by President Anna Krawczuk and all the members of the national board, as well as reports submitted by branches and regional councils. It also included greetings from various dignitaries and organizations on the occasion of the convention. Jaroslawa Rubel was the editor of the convention book.

A pre-convention program on Friday evening kicked off the conclave. The theme of the program was human rights and the moderator was Iryna Kurowyckyj, UNWLA's vice-president in charge of public relations.

Nina Kovalska, first woman ambassador of Ukraine to Switzerland, spoke on the topic "Human Rights Are Women's Rights." She mentioned international documents that protect human rights and underlined the problem of trafficking of Ukrainian women around the world.

Dr. Zoreslava Shkiryak-Nijnik from Ukraine addressed the issue of "Health: One of the Fundamental Human Rights." She said that the right to health, one of the basic human rights, is something women in Ukraine do not have at this time because of the country's dire economic situation.

Speaking about "Human Rights Pursuant to the Ukrainian Constitution" was Stephen B. Nix, an attorney who served as counsel to the Parliament of Ukraine and assisted with the drafting of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Julian Kulas spoke about "Promoting and Defending Human Rights of American Citizens."

Saturday, May 29, marked the official opening of the convention, which began with the presentation of banners of the UNWLA's nine regional councils and a prayer recited by Luba Bilowchtchuk, chair of the Scholarship Program. President Krawczuk then officially opened the convention. After the Credentials Committee verified that a quorum was present, Daria Jarosewych of Chicago was elected to chair the convention.

The morning and afternoon sessions of the first day addressed various organizational and financial issues, including a presentation by Oksana Xenos on "Why the UNWLA Must Adhere to the IRS Laws." President Krawczuk also gave her address.

The Nominating Committee chair, Maria Rakowsky, then presented its report to the convention. Delegates elected the following officers for the next three years: Mrs. Kurowyckyj, president; Maria Tomorug, vice-president; Sophia Hewryk, vice-president - membership; Oxana Farion, vice-president - culture; Motria Voyevidka-Sloniewsky, vice-president - public relations; Barbara Bachynsky; recording secretary; Omelana Rohoza, corresponding secretary; Donna Czechowycz, treasurer; Roma Lisovych, financial secretary; Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak and Irena Steckiw, members-at-large; Jaroslawa Rubel, press chair; Nadia Shmigel, social welfare chair; Katherine Iwasyshyn, educational chair; Maria Pazuniak, art/museum chair; Ms. Bilowchtchuk, scholarship chair; Martha Pelensky, ecology chair; Olga Trytyak, archives chair; Joanna Ratych, auditing committee chair.

Entertainment at Saturday's luncheon was provided by UNWLA pre-school children, who delighted everyone with their songs and recitations of poems. Honorary citations and gold UNWLA pins were presented by President Krawczuk and Vice-President Hewryk to members who have been in the UNWLA for 50 years.

The highlight of the convention was the banquet held on Saturday evening. The Chicago community attended in full force, thus showing its appreciation and support for the work being done by the UNWLA Chicago Regional Council and its branches. The mistress of ceremonies was Dr. Daria Markus, and opening remarks were given by Ms. Semianczuk-Matwyshyn.

The outgoing president, Mrs. Krawczyk, gave her farewell address and was then bestowed the title of honorary president of the UNWLA by the four vice-presidents. The citation was read by First Vice-President Trytyak. The honorary president then installed the newly elected officers.

This was followed by the address of the newly elected president, Mrs. Kurowyckyj, who emphasized her wish to pass on to the younger generation what the UNWLA had given her: the ability to work for the good of women in Ukraine and the United States in the spheres of their diverse interests.

Dr. Markus read selected greetings, among them messages from President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine and from the president of Soyuz Ukrainok Ukrainy, Atena Pashko. Greetings were delivered by Ms. Kovalska, Ukraine's ambassador to Switzerland; Ludmyla Protasova, acting consul general of Ukraine in Chicago; Oksana Sokolyk, president of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations; and Sorosh Roshan, president, National Council of Women of the U.S.A. Ukrainian Catholic Bishop Michael Wiwchar CSsR, delivered the invocation, while Ukrainian Orthodox Archbishop Vsevolod offered the benediction.

Another highlight of the banquet was the presentation of various awards. At the conclusion of the banquet, a musical program was performed by Natalia Khoma, Marta Bagratuni and Sharon Rogers.

Sunday's program started with a liturgy at 7 a.m., with Bishop Wiwchar officiating. After breakfast, there was a very interesting sightseeing trip through the city of Chicago, including the Ukrainian Village.

The remainder of the day was taken up by various seminars: organizational, chaired by Mrs. Hewryk; cultural, chaired by Mrs. Bohachevsky-Chomiak; finances, chaired by Nadia Cwiach and Taissa Turiansky; social welfare, chaired by Lidia Czernyk; educational and ecology, chaired by Mrs. Hewryk and Mrs. Trytyak; museum, chaired by Maria Pazuniak; scholarships, chaired by Ms. Bilowchtchuk; and press and Our Life magazine chaired by Mrs. Rubel and Irena Chaban.

The Sunday luncheon was dedicated to the outgoing president and the presidents of UNWLA regional councils. In the evening the Chicago Regional Council provided a program that featured Ukrainian dancers and a slide presentation about Chicago.

The Monday morning session focused on reports about the seminars that took place a day earlier. This was followed by the adoption of convention resolutions and recommendations. During the afternoon session Mrs. Krawczuk, now honorary president, gave her farewell remarks, and President-Elect Kurowyckyj delivered her acceptance speech.

Mrs. Kurowyckyj pointed out that the UNWLA will be celebrating its 75th anniversary as it enters the new millenium. "We are hopeful that the new technologies in communication will make it possible for us to attain new members who otherwise would never have had contact with our organization," she added.

The new president also thanked the nominating committee for its work, Honorary President Krawczuk for her great input during her two terms in office, as well as the Convention Committee, the Chicago Regional Council and the convention chair, Mrs. Jarosewych, for ensuring that the convention was run smoothly.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 27, 1999, No. 26, Vol. LXVII

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