ON THE AIR: "Kontakt" plans comeback in New York

by Jurij R. Klufas

TORONTO - Over the last two years "Kontakt" has been gradually expanding its network, consolidating viewership in its North American market, as well as launching a weekly broadcast in Ukraine. The loyal New York metro area audience, however, never let us forget that we must return the show to that important Ukrainian community center.

The show was taken off the air in New York in 1997 because of a programming policy change initiated by the new owners of the station on which "Kontakt" was broadcast. The New York producers of "Kontakt," Stephan Kowaliw and Vlodko Artymyshyn - who bravely initiated the show in the tri-state area in the fall of 1992 and ran it for five years - were not able to find a suitable match between the broadcast alternatives and sponsorship funding. This resulted in the show going off the air in that area.

Because of multiple queries and requests from past viewers who had become accustomed to our weekly show, we have now researched the broadcast availabilities in the greater New York area and have three viable options to present to the community and potential show sponsors. The target date for the relaunch of "Kontakt" in the New York City area is September 1999.

The original station that broadcast "Kontakt" for the first five years of its existence, Channel 31, has changed ownership again and is once more available to broadcast the show. The signal is great and familiar to all, however current broadcast costs would bring the annual New York show budget to $780,000. Unless sponsor is found, judging by past performance, this seems more than what the local community might be able to bear.

The second option is WMBC - Channel 63, which has a broad enough reach in the general area. The weekly one-hour broadcast would require a single sponsorship to the tune of $210,000 annually or five segment sponsors of $45,000 each. This broadcast would allow for 14 minutes of advertising for local businesses and community organisations.

The third option is WNYE - Channel 25, which has a broad reach in the area and is financially most accessible for the community. An individual annual sponsorship of $80,000 would guarantee a weekly broadcast of "Kontakt" that would include a report on the Ukrainian community in the greater New York area.

One of the most common comments made by "Kontakt" viewers in the United States is that they would like to see more local U.S. material; consequently we have prepared a budget that will allow for local coverage of community events in the New York-New Jersey area. This is even more important considering that "Kontakt" is also broadcast weekly in Ukraine. It would be a shame if the broadcast of the show in Ukraine did not include Ukrainian community life in New York. The show's previous New York producer, Mr. Artymyshyn has agreed to continue his involvement with "Kontakt" and will be covering these community events on a weekly basis.

The major Ukrainian credit unions in the area, as well as the Ukrainian National Association, have received this information, and we are awaiting their commitments. They have received an information package that includes copies of two recent shows that feature reports on Ukraine's delegation to the NATO celebrations, Hillary Clinton's visit with the Ukrainian community in New York and the Ukrainian World Congress plenum in Toronto. The financial support of these institutions is crucial to the success of this project.

An interesting program that "Kontakt" has initiated for smaller Ukrainian communities in the U.S. is the weekly distribution of copies of "Kontakt" on consumer VHS tape. Communities that are too small to support a weekly TV broadcast can order and view these tapes on a weekly basis in their parish and community halls and thus stay in touch with the broader community. The cost for this is $50, plus delivery.

At the same time we remind all readers that "Kontakt" also welcomes home videos on any format and, if we can understand what's happening on your tape, we'll put it on the air. All participants whose tapes make it to air will receive a free "Kontakt" computer mouse pad.

Coming soon: We will be reviving a very popular show segment: the "Kontakt" Viewers Corner, which allows viewers to express their opinions on any topic for up to 30 seconds. All you have to do is approach any of our cameramen who are shooting at your local community event and tell him that you wish your comments to be recorded, and they will shoot you on the spot. If your comment makes it on the air, you will receive a free "Kontakt" bumper sticker.

Finally, we request all who are interested in the revival of the "Kontakt" broadcast in New York to please make your opinion known immediately to your Ukrainian credit union as well as other potential sponsors.

Jurij R. Klufas of Toronto is executive producer of "Kontakt."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 27, 1999, No. 26, Vol. LXVII

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