University professors' association holds annual meeting at Kent U.

by Assya Humesky

KENT, Ohio - The executive and the auditing boards of the Ukrainian American Association of University Professors (UAAUP) held an annual meeting on May 22 here at Kent University.

Present were: Assya Humesky, president; Lubomyr Wynar, vice-president; Myroslav Melnyk, secretary-treasurer and director of reserach endowment; Michael Kalinski, member of the auditing board; and Martha Trofimenko, member-at-large. Other executive board members sent proposals that were discussed during the meeting.

Mr. Melnyk reported that the organization's investments amount to over $100,000; however, only $3,000 of interest is actually at the disposal of the association, as formulated in its statutes. This amount is insufficient to cover any large-scale plans. A committee was to review and recommend to revise, if necessary, the statutes.

Other decisions included: providing financial support for the International Association of Ukrainianists for the upcoming congress in Odesa; conducting a search campaign throughout the U.S. scholarly institutions for Ukrainian scholars, especially of the younger generation; searching for valuable scholarly works in Ukraine for the purpose of publishing them here in English translation; establishing ties with Ukrainian universities; organizing yearly scholarly conferences; creating a scholarship fund for able and nationally conscious Ukrainian students in Ukraine; and establishing cooperation with other Ukrainian scholarly institutions.

Realization of the last decision has already begun: at the Odesa congress the association is sponsoring a roundtable on the topic of the present status and future plans of Ukrainian scholarly institutions in the diaspora. The panel will include representatives of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh); Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences (UVAN); the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University; and other universities and scholarly associations of Canada, Europe, Australia and the United States.

It was reported at the UAAUP annual meeting that the association is now a member of the Scientific Council of the World Congress of Ukrainians.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 4, 1999, No. 27, Vol. LXVII

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