Saskatoon branch members receive scholarship awards

SASKATOON - The Mykola Lysenko Branch 444 of the Ukrainian National Association (UNA) recently presented $50 scholarship awards in memory of Leon Wowk to three of its student members: Roxanna Smycniuk, Andrij Zerebecky and Marko Zerebecky.

The awards were presented by John Wolchak, branch president, on the occasion of the Shevchenko concert held in the Ukrainian National Federation Hall. Mr. Wolchak indicated that all three students of the University of Saskatchewan are very active in Ukrainian cultural activities. He also noted that all three had been presented with scholarship awards by the UNA home office. Mrs. Stefania Wowk, widow of the late Leon, personally presented the stipend checks and congratulated the students.

UNA Branch Secretary Al Kachkowski, who is also a UNA advisor, spoke briefly about the association, explaining that it is North America's largest Ukrainian fraternal organization with approximately 300 branches in the U.S. and 50 in Canada.

Mr. Wowk was the secretary of UNA Branch 444 for more than 20 years and was responsible for its growth and development to its present status. He was also executive director of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee's Saskatchewan Provincial Council for many years.

Roxanna Smycniuk is the daughter of Andrew and Elaine Smycniuk, while Andrij and Marko Zerebecky are the sons of George and Geraldine Zerebecky, all of Saskatoon.

AN OPEN LETTER: Thanks to all who responded with ideas for Soyuzivka

Dear Readers:

I wish to thank all those who responded to my recent request for ideas on how to improve Soyuzivka. So many of you responded that my schedule simply does not allow me to individually answer or acknowledge each letter.

However, I would like to share some of the comments and suggestions with readers. Many expressed a desire for more activities - especially "supervised activities for children." Special events were suggested, such as wine tasting. Others suggested offering workshops on Ukrainian cooking, embroidery, pysanky and wood-carving.

A couple of people suggested timesharing, an annual festival, getting new immigrants involved and more advertising.

Most letters were very positive. A few were quite critical and negative. The important thing is that our UNA members took the time to think about Soyuzivka and put their thoughts on paper.

It is now up to the UNA Executive Committee and the General Assembly to take these suggestions into consideration.

Again, a sincere thank you to all.

Walter Korchynsky
UNA Advisor

Young UNA'ers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 11, 1999, No. 28, Vol. LXVII

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