Ukrainian Free University conference focuses on legal and judicial systems

MUNICH - The Ukrainian Free University (UFU) hosted a two-day conference May 28-29 dedicated to specific issues of the German and Ukrainian judicial and legal systems with the participation of jurists and judges from the United States, Ukraine, Canada and Germany. The conference took place the same week that German citizens were celebrating 50 years of the enactment of Germany's Constitution (Grundgesetz).

The conference was opened by Dr. Leonid Rudnytzky, rector of the UFU, who stress the need to share legal and judicial experiences in order to foster a better understanding of different systems, especially now that Ukraine is considering additional legislation on the judiciary.

Among speakers at the conference were: Dr. Reinhard Heydenreuter, Eichstatt University, moderator of the May 28 morning session, with a presentation given by Prof. Peter Haberie of Bayreuth University on "The Legal System in Germany: Separation of Powers - Lands and Federation"; other presentations included Jurgen Thomas, an official in the Ministry of Justice of Germany, "Independence of the Judiciary"; and Dr. Fritz Wittmann, Munich, "The Role of the Executive and the Laws Governing Civil and Military Matters."

Prof. Ronald Pietsch, UFU, chaired the subsequent session. Dr. Vitaly Bojko, the chairman of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, spoke on "The Constitutional Guarantees Concerning the Independence of the Judiciary in Ukraine"; Judge Bohdan Futey of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims addressed the topic, "On the Prospect of the Judiciary Emerging as a Co-equal Branch of Government in Ukraine"; Judge Mykola Kostytsky of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine spoke about "The Development of Ukrainian Constitutional Law." The two judges are also UFU professors.

Prof. Ivo Polulach, acting dean of the Faculty of Law and Social-Economic Sciences and director of the Institute for Ukrainian-German Relations, chaired the May 29 morning session, with presentations by Viktor Shyshkin, vice-chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament's Committee on Legal Reforms and member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, spoke on "Comparative Analysis of the Territorial, Specialization and Institutional Principles in the Restructuring of the Judiciary in Ukraine"; Wolodymyr Stretovytch, chairman of the Foundation for Promoting Legal and Political Reforms and president of the Christian-Democratic Union of Ukraine, addressed "Judicial Reforms as a Guarantee for Further Democratization in Ukraine"; Prof. Dmytro Ziepko, UFU, spoke on "The Rule of Law as a Precondition for Economic Reform;" and Christian Nadeau, project director for Russia with the U.S. International Foundation for Election Systems addressed "Partners in the scale of Justice: Electoral Commissions and the Courts: A Review of Electoral Grievances and Adjudication."

A question and answer period and a discussion followed each session.

In his final remarks, the rector of the university reiterated the benefits from the exchange of views and the experience provided by the speakers.

As part of the conference, Ukraine's consul general in Munich, Hryhory Kosykh, hosted conference participants at a reception at his home. Participants also visited Regensburg, where they were the guests of representatives of the Ukrainische Donauschiffahrt AG.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 1, 1999, No. 31, Vol. LXVII

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