Couple to wed on September 25

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. - Roksolana Luchkan is engaged to be married to Nicholas Charles Humphries on September 25 at the St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral on West 82nd Street in New York City. A reception will be held at The Ukrainian Institute of America.

Ms. Luchkan and Mr. Humphries met six years ago while traveling in Ireland.

After they met, both Ms. Luchkan and Mr. Humphries lived in Australia for three years. They will reside in New York City.

Nicholas, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Humphries, hails from Sydney, Australia. His father is a self-employed architect, and his mother works for the Malleson, Stephens and Jacques law firm in Sydney.

Roksolana is the daughter of Valentina Luchkan and the late Jaroslav (Slavko) Luchkan. The Ukrainian Weekly recently published an article about Mr. Luchkan and his leadership in Plast, as well as his work on Apollo 13 - the first shuttle to land on the moon. Mrs. Luchkan is currently employed by Aetna US Healthcare as a benefits consultant, and is a self-taught artist and singer.

Roksolana works for Thomson Financial Securities Data as an account executive. She is a graduate of the University of Southern California where she studied international relations.

A former member of Plast, Ms. Luchkan stays active in the Ukrainian community by acting in Ukrainian plays under the direction of Lydia Krushelnytsky. She is a member of the Ukrainian Institute of America and Ukrainian National Association Branch 12.

Nicholas recently completed a graduate certificate degree at Oxford University in England. He is an accomplished rugby player. He has played for Manly Rugby Union in Sydney Australia, the Penguins International team, Oxford Rugby Blues, as well as the New York Athletics Club.

This fall Mr. Humphries will begin work at Arthur Anderson in the business fraud division.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 5, 1999, No. 36, Vol. LXVII

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