Independent Ukraine on its eighth anniversary

Following is the text of a statement on Ukrainian Independence Day issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and released to the press by the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada.

August 24 is Ukraine's Independence Day. Eight years ago on that day the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine proclaimed Ukraine's state independence and 90.3 percent of all eligible voters confirmed this choice with a landslide referendum on December 1, 1991, of all the states that emerged with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was the only one to bring the issue of independence to a national referendum. Thus began a new period of state-building in Ukrainian history.

Ukraine is now moving along the path of consistent reforms in order to ensure stable economic growth and to accelerate the transition to a market economy. Despite current difficulties, the president and the government of Ukraine are determined to continue the course of reforming the national economy.

Among Ukraine's main achievements in domestic policy during the eight years of independence are political stability in society; the guaranteed renewal of structures of power through general, open and honest elections; the adoption of the Constitution that emphasizes democratic values. The emphasis on human rights and freedoms as an inalienable component of contemporary public society has consolidated our nation. Political pluralism, freedom of speech, freedom of travel and other democratic ideals have become a part of public life. Ukraine's moving ahead with confidence toward further reforms, based on the principles of public consensus, not conflict.

Establishing Ukraine's reputation in the world as a democratic European nation is of principal significance. Together with political and economic factors, Ukraine's achievements in the humanitarian sphere and Ukraine's contribution to science and culture are gaining increased importance and influence the successful integration of the country into European and world processes.

Ukraine's success and experience in solving problems of national minorities and inter-ethnic relations are laudable. During the years of independence Ukraine managed to prevent any escalations on these sensitive issues while resolving problems connected to the return and resettlement of formerly deported peoples. Ukraine's positive experience in guaranteeing national minorities' rights has been widely acknowledged in the world, namely by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe.

At present, the socio-economic situation in Ukraine remains complicated, but several positive tendencies are readily apparent. Due to the measures taken by the president of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Bank of Ukraine, Ukraine managed to minimize losses caused by last year's financial crisis, to restore macroeconomic stability and improve the over-all economic situation. During the first half of 1999 industrial production grew by 0.2 percent, and in June, in comparison with last June, by 4.7 percent.

This year's anti-inflation measures introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers and the National Bank of Ukraine helped overcome a negative tendency wherein the prices for production of goods exceeded the growth of consumer prices at the end of 1998.

Some positive tendencies also include gradual growth of monthly volumes of export production in comparison with the corresponding period of the previous year, export volumes of agricultural production (particularly fats, oil, sugar and tobacco) increased by 14.4 percent. Exports of aluminum, wood and woodproducts also increased.

Eight years of experience confirm that the foreign policy course chosen by Ukraine is a reliable means to protect and promote the country's national interests in the world. In this context, the economic aspect of foreign policy will remain a major priority in the everyday activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions abroad. Our foreign policy has become one of the instruments of solving the principal task: ensuring the economic growth of the country and the well-being of its citizens.

An important part of Ukraine's foreign policy strategy will be to use the achievements of eight years of independence in order to enhance the economic situation in the country for the benefit of each citizen, to materialize achievements on the international arena and add a more practical content to cooperation with Ukraine's partners. Strengthening of the economic component of both the domestic and foreign policies of the country meets the urgent requirements of the time.

Recently Ukraine has managed to make tangible progress in its relations with Western countries. In the near future, the economic face of Europe will be determined by the enlarged and the reformed European Union (EU) and, in the field of strengthening security, through the joint efforts of European organizations in elaborating and implementing a new system of European security for the 21st century. Ukraine consistently pursues its strategic course for integration into the European Union as a priority in its foreign policy.

Ukraine's active participation in the summit of the heads of state and government of the member-countries of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, held in Sarajevo on July 30, 1999, in which President Leonid Kuchma took part, as well as the decision to send a Ukrainian military contingent to join the peacekeeping forces in Kosovo testifies to the deepening of cooperation with the EU in the framework of common foreign and security policies.

Since the first days of the renewal of Ukraine's independence, taking into account its specific geopolitical situation, the country stood for dialogue and cooperation with such important actors of the European security structure as the NATO and the Western European Union. A new practical direction of cooperation and partnership with NATO has been initiated in the field of peacekeeping activity under the aegis of the United Nations: through participation of Ukraine's armed forces in IFOR/SPOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The decision to send a peacekeeping contingent to the Balkan region as part of the international KFOR is the logical continuation of the policy of participating in the process of setling the Yugoslav crisis.

A special place among the top priorities of Ukraine's foreign policy belongs to the development and deepening in the relations of strategic partnership with the United States of America and the Republic of Poland in the European sphere. The eighth year of Ukraine's independence was marked by tangible progress in the development of bilateral, mutually profitable cooperation with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Ukraine made a number of undoubted advances in developing its relations with the Russian Federation. Progress in Ukrainian-Russian relations during the eighth year of our country's independence has shown once more that there is no alternative to friendly, equal and mutually beneficial relations with Russia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs focused great attention on the development of relations with countries of Western Europe. Special emphasis was placed on foreign trade and economic relations.

Maintaining good relations with Ukraine's traditional partners in Africa, Asia and Latin America is another priority. Twenty-one Ukrainian embassies have been opened in these regions.

Ukraine plays a considerable role in issues concerning non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which have been accentuated to a great extent after nuclear tests by India and Pakistan. Using its authority as a state that, for the first time in the history of mankind, voluntarily renounced its arsenal of nuclear weapons, Ukraine made a significant contribution to global nuclear disarmament. The International Task Force on South Asia, established after nuclear testing in Southern Asia, held a meeting in Kyiv last June, and this has become the next step towards reducing nuclear confrontation.

The eighth year since the establishment of Ukraine-Canada diplomatic relations has been marked by new success stories in mutually beneficial bilateral relations. The first official visit to Ukraine by Prime Minister Jean Chrétien last January saw substantial negotiations between the leaders of the two countries and the signing of several documents that gave a new impetus to our relations. Canada reiterated its support for the course undertaken by the Ukrainian leadership towards reforms. Both sides agreed that bilateral trade and economic cooperation need further intensification. Ukraine also stated that its all-round relations with Canada constitute a priority in Ukrainian foreign policy.

The year saw the continuation of bilateral dialogue at various levels, and a broad spectrum of issues of mutual interest were discussed and resolved, ranging from interaction within the U.N. and other international fora, to cooperation in the destruction of anti-personel landmines and the Ukrainian-Canadian parliamentary internship program.

Ukraine faces many problems in all spheres of life. However, the democratic choice of the country remains unchanged. On the path toward reforming and building a democratic European country, Ukraine will continue moving in this direction, solving all issues in a civilized manner, adhering to all its obligations and in full respect of international law.

Celebrating the eighth year of its independence, Ukraine looks forward with confidence. Its future will be inseparably connected to the future of the European family of nations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 12, 1999, No. 37, Vol. LXVII

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