St. Andrew's College inaugurates its 1999-2000 academic year

WINNIPEG - St. Andrew's College held its 1999-2000 Inauguration and Awards Ceremony on September 12. The program opened with a prayer sung by the Faculty of Theology Choir, followed by a blessing by Metropolitan Wasyly.

During her greetings, the principal, Dr. Vivian Olender, pointed out that the families who founded and continue to sustain the college are the backbone of the Ukrainian Canadian at community in Canada - their names are found on the donor boards outside the chapel. "To read those family names is to read the history of Ukrainians in Canada ... to read the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada," she said.

The primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Metropolitan Wasyly, welcomed the students to the new academic year and stressed the value of learning and education.

The inauguration address was given by the Rev. Dr. Oleh Krawchenko, chair of the presidium of the Consistory and professor of dogmatic theology at St. Andrew's College. He pointed out that the inauguration is an opportunity for theology professors to speak to the public and thus chose to make his address in the form of a public lecture about his area of specialization: dogmatic theology.

He stressed that theology is a discourse about God. Dogmatic theology studies the basic truths (dogmas) revealed by the Creator. Theology is a vast field, he noted, which comprises many other studies, such as Sacred Scripture, Church history and practical theology, liturgies and pastoral care. He concluded by inviting all present to join in the study of theology, even if only to learn more about their Church.

This year St. Andrew's College has 14 full-time theology students, 40 students in residence and a college enrollment of 100. There are also approximately 100 students enrolled in the courses of the Center for Ukrainian Canadian Studies. Over $45,000 was awarded this year in scholarships and bursaries to students in the faculty of theology, the Center for Ukrainian Canadian Studies at St. Andrew's College and St. Andrew's College resident students. Donors or their family members presented the awards to the successful candidates.

The chair of the board of directors, Russell Kapty, gave concluding remarks. The benediction was sung by Faculty of Theology Choir and the blessing given by Metropolitan Wasyly.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 1999, No. 41, Vol. LXVII

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